Welcome back to my linky #KCACOLS. I hope you all had a fantastic week! We did REALLY WELL AGAIN with 138 link ups! THANK YOU ALL so much for being part of the linky! I really appreciate your support. For new people joining us this week, I really hope you like #KCACOLS and that you come back again next time! You can also find out more about this linky in the #KCACOLS linky page! 🙂
As I have been already telling you from the past couple of weeks I have been struggling a lot to cope with the linky and I have been failing to comment on my section as promised. I would like to apologise with all the people that have linked up with us in the last few weeks and that have received very little comments. This is partly because I have not been able to do my commenting and also because I have not been able to administrate the linky properly due to lack of time. Everything has gone all over the place so I just need to make some adjustments to this linky.
As you know the nature of this linky (counting the comments) is very time consuming and I was feeling lately that I don’t have a life anymore. I really want everybody to benefit from this community that is the reason why I started it in the first place. I feel very proud of what we have achieved and I want to continue growing this community but in order to do that I had to step back from the commenting. From now on I will not be commenting on a section. I will have a regular “monthly” guest co-host that will be covering my section. I will be doing the pinning and sharing still and also commenting on posts that need more love and any other posts that grab my attention. This will bring even more comments to your posts.
This means that I will be able to deal just with the admin of the linky and work hard to bring the standard commenting that we have always felt proud to shout about. I don’t think there are any other linkys out there that have the amount of comments from one linky and that every single post gets 4 comments as a minimum. I think this has been an amazing achievement, so I will definitely would like to come back to that .
I’m so looking forward to start this new week with these new changes. I hope this works. Wish me luck! 🙂
I was so excited to find out on Thursday that I have been shortlisted in the Mumsnet Blogging Awards 2016 in the “Best Vlogger” category. I still can’t believe we have made it! HOORAY! We love making videos and this is just so rewarding. Thank you so much for all of you that have taken the time to vote before.
The winners of the awards will be announced at the end of BlogFest (Mumsnet Blogging Conference). I found out the other day that my absolute YouTube idols will be there (The Saccone-Jolys). I’m literally crying with happiness. They are the reason why I started vlogging. They are my inspiration, so imagine being there as a FINALIST on that day and being able to meet my idols. It will be AMAZING – a dream come true, so please help me to achieve that dream! Please vote for us HERE.
Thank you so much for all the people that have joined us this week for our first #UnPocoDeTodoUK link up. It went well and it has been great to see all your photos with lots of comments and likes. Maria will host the linky on Monday 12th September and the theme for next week is “KIDS” so I hope lots of you can join us as this is what we do best right? Taking photos of our children! 😉
And of course, thank you so much for using the #KCACOLS hashtag on Instagram for all your photos. We have 1,037 photos there which is fantastic! I really enjoy going through your photos! I would love it if more of you could also use the hashtag for your photos and of course it would be even better if we all also spread some love there! 🙂
This last link up have been THE WORST so far in terms of commenting. On Friday morning we had about 80 posts that needed more comments and after posting on our fantastic facebook group about it that morning it got down to 50 posts that needed comments so as you can see it has been a disaster. Also the maximum amount of comments haven’t been a lot either so it has been a bad week. I also have not had the chance to finish my commenting. I tried do as much as I could this morning but I was at FunFest today near Milton Keynes so it wasn’t easy. So I apologise for that. The commenting is based on the comments made up to first thing this morning. I’m so sorry to those of you that have commented during the day today but I have been unable to recheck all the counting again. From now on people will have until Friday night to comment so I can have all updated for the Saturday new linky post on Friday night otherwise I will be a slave to this linky every Saturday. I would like to be able to have all done and scheduled from Friday night, so please bear this in mind.
I can only say therefore, let’s start a new FRESH week and fingers crossed everything will be back to normal. Please do not lose faith in this linky as I’m hoping we can come back stronger than ever!
Please do not forget to comment on the post before yours. If you have any problems commenting on the post before yours please just send me a message and I will do my best to help. AGAIN, please do not link up and run. Also please do not forget to approve your comments.
THANK YOU again to all of you that have already joined the #KCACOLS CROWD Facebook Group. We have 115 members now and it is always fantastic to chat with all of you. You can join us here.
NOTE: If you receive a lot of comments, try to reciprocate to the ones that have taken the time to comment on your post. It is all about being generous between each other and spreading lots of love.
IMPORTANT NOTE FOR NEW LINKERS: PLEASE start with commenting on the post linked up before yours first and then go around commenting as much as you would like. Also, use the hashtag #KCACOLS when commenting (this is indeed very important so I can then see how many comments you are doing and then be able to feature you in my linky post which is always great for you as you get a backlink which helps improve your DA).
Thank you so much for all your comments on the host posts and the linky post. As you know I have read and liked all your comments! We would do our best for your to receive a comment from someone on behalf of the linky (either the co-hosts or me).
This weeks “monthly” guest co-host will be MARIA from Suburban Mum. She will be commenting my section on the linky this week. These are her social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, & Pinterest). She will also be retweeting your tweets this week so please add her twitter handle (@suburb4nmum) to your tweets as well as mine. Finally she has a guest co-host post, 10 Things that I’ve learnt In Two Years of Blogging linked up too. Please if you could go there and add a comment it would be AWESOME!!
I would like to say THANK YOU so much to FRANCES from Whinge Whinge Wine and DANIELLE from Someone’s Mum for helping me with the commenting this week! It was the first time that Frances helped me and she did a great job. And Danielle even after having a difficult week she did her best to help me with her commenting so she was getting all done today so I’m very grateful for that. It has been a pleasure to have them! They have been FANTASTIC! 🙂
My first guest co-host this week is JANE from Maflingo. I’m so excited to have Jane co-hosting the linky this week. This is her first time. We have arranged this for a long time so it is really nice that finally this day arrived. ThisShe is a regular to this linky and she is lovely. I’m looking forward to co-hosting with her. Please give some love to her social media accounts which are (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook & Pinterest). She will also be retweeting your tweets this week so please add her twitter handle (@maflingoblog) to your tweets as well as mine. Finally she has a guest co-host post, The “Real” Jane Taylor revealed: 25 shocking facts about me linked up too. Please if you could go there and add a comment it would be AWESOME!
My second guest co-host this week is NADIA from Scandi Mummy. This is also the first time that Nadia is con-hosting with me. You all know her already as she is part of the admin people of the Kcacols Facebook Group so I was so happy to have her co-hosting the linky this week. I’m so looking forward to co-hosting with her. Please give her social media accounts some love (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, & Pinterest). She will also be retweeting your tweets this week so please add her twitter handle (@scandimummy) to your tweets as well as mine. Finally, she has a guest co-host post, Do You Celebrate Getting Older? linked up too. If you could please go there and add a comment it would be AWESOME!!
The person who commented the most this week was SONIA from Buzymum. This is the first time that I’m featuring Sonia. I mentioned her last week so it is nice to see her at the top of the commenting this week. She has joined our linky not long ago so it is really nice to see her spreading so much love already. She has been lovely this week commenting on 32 posts! That is GREAT! Thank you so much SONIA! Her post from last week was, The Best Recipes for cooking with Kids. Please go to her post and give her more love if you can!
The second person who commented the most last week was MADELINE from This Glorious Life. Wow I have featured and mentioned Madeline so many times that I think I lost count now! lol She is just fantastic! She was GREAT commenting on 31 posts! Thank you so much MADELINE! Her posts from last week was, 10 Reasons I’m happy Autumn is on its way Please go to her post and give her more love if you can!
The third person who commented a lot this week was LAURA from The Unsung Mum. I have featured Laura before. She is great! She has commented on 29 posts which is GREAT! Thank you so much LAURA! Her post from last week was, Review: The Unsung Mum and the Trampoline Test. Please go to her post and give her more love if you can!
Behind Sonia, Madeline and Laura was NICOLE from The Mum Reviews with 28 comments, SAVANNAH from How He’s Raised with 27 comments and Tracey from One Frazzled Mum with 26 comments. Thank you so much lovely ladies!!! 🙂
For this week’s linky I am linking up Ripley’s Believe It Or Not! London Family Day Out and Our Super Cool #SummerOfBratz so I hope you like them! 😉
Please do not forget to follow and check out the #KCACOLS Pinterest Board. We have pinned all your posts from last week’s linky so please go and have a look. There are some great posts that deserve a read!
Now let’s carry on with the linky:
Each week I will choose 6 people who have commented A LOT within the linky. Three will be featured and another three will be mentioned on my Saturday linky post. This means that 6 people will get a backlink on my new linky post each Saturday!
1. Be sure to grab the #KCACOLS badge which can be found below or on my sidebar. Simply copy the code from the box below the badge and add it to the text/html at the bottom of your post or place it on your blog sidebar.
2. You can link up to 2 posts per week.
3. You can share anything that you would like. It is open to absolutely any subject and also you can link up posts that are old or new. You are allowed to link up another linky ONLY if it is a promotional post about the linky and you can do this only once and I expect you to put my badge or a link to my linky and of course to follow the rules regarding commenting.
4. Comment on one of the hosts posts (choose one that you would like to comment on as I will be linking up 2 posts every week if possible). Then comment the guest co-hosts and the monthly co-host. Then comment on the post which is linked up immediately before yours and finally any other post that you would like to comment on. That way everybody receives at least two comments (one from the host/guest co-hosts and one from others).
5. This linky will be open every Saturday from 10 pm and will remain open until Wednesday at 11.59 pm.
6. If you would like us to tweet your post that is absolutely fine, just tweet your link to me @WithFranca, Maria @suburb4nmum, Jane @maflingoblog and Nadia @scandimummy and we will retweet it. Please remember to use the hashtag #KCACOLS.
7. Finally, if you could please follow A Moment With Franca (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest , Bloglovin, Google+ and YouTube) that would be fantastic!! 😉
I look forward to reading and commenting your posts!! 🙂
<div align="center"><a href="https://www.amomentwithfranca.com" title="Keep Calm and Carry On Linking Sunday"><img src="https://www.amomentwithfranca.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/kcacols200x200.jpg" width="200" height="200" alt="Keep Calm and Carry On Linking Sunday" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
[inlinkz_linkup id=662328 mode=1]
Thanks for stopping by,
Love you all ❤
Franca 💋
The Hippy Christian Mum says
Thank you for putting so much work into the linky it’s fab and the best one going! I love reading the posts and have found a lot of blogs I read regularly now through #KCACOLS. I voted for you in the blogfest best vlog category. I reckon you will win it. How exciting to meet your vlog muses! Best of luck x
Kerry says
Congratulations on being short listed, you have my vote x
amomentwithfranca says
Aww thank you so much lovely! 🙂 xx
Jane Taylor says
Thanks for having me as a guest host, Franca. I’ve voted. GOod luck!
amomentwithfranca says
I love having you Jane! Thank you so much! Fingers crossed! 🙂 x
Rebecca | AAUBlog says
thanks for hosting. I can’t imagine all of the time it takes up! x
Sonia says
Thank you so much for featuring me Franca! I love this linky! Not only is it great to get loads of comments on the blog and of course, to get the chance to be featured, but I’ve read such great posts in the process! As a newbie, I’ve learned so much! I’m not surprised that it has become so popular- credit to you girl!! Sending loads of links love!! xxxxx
kid can doodle says
It’s a lot of work all this bloggin business! 😉
Abi says
This Linky is amazing! I’ve spent hours reading some fabulous posts over the last few days…a great way to discover some new blogs to indulge in!
amomentwithfranca says
I’m so happy you like it! Thank you so much for joining us for the first time! 🙂 x
Bread says
I’ve been awful commenting lately. I really need to sort of planning my time better. Also, I want to comment on the post by Scandi Mummy but the comments were closed.