I have been tagged by the lovely and very talented Laura from Laura’s Lovely Blog to do the “Being a Blogger Tag”. Laura writes a parenting blog and she is a lover of handbags. Go and have a look at her blog if you haven’t done yet. I’m sure you will love it as much as I do! 😉
This is such an interesting tag for me as I have only been blogging for a little over 3 months now. This is all so new to me but it has been the 3 most intense months of my life so far. It is very hard but it is something that I love so much that I would never stop! I am writing a list of things that I feel helped me to understand what blogging means to me.
Therefore, here we come. This is what blogging means to me:
- It is completely addictive to me. I found myself in front of my laptop constantly writing something new for my blog.
- It has become a passion to me. I just can’t stop thinking about it 24/7. It really makes me happy and fulfils me completely.
- It is definitely my new hobby. I don’t think I’ve had a proper hobby before and I never thought that writing would be a hobby for me even though I’m a lawyer and I needed to be on top of my writing and reading all the time, I never thought that just writing all my thoughts and sharing with you all the moments that make me happy or unhappy would be something that I would be so hooked at!
- Has allowed me to interact through the internet with so many different people around the world that otherwise I would’ve never interacted with before. This is because we all share the same passion for blogging and the most important thing is that we understand each other very well.
- Has helped me to be part of a lovely blogging community, especially the parent blogger community as we are all in the same boat (we go through all the ups and downs of parenthood).
- Has given me the opportunity to spend more time with my girls and combine my two most important worlds (parenting and blogging) together in one which I’m so grateful for.
- Blogging is a massive social platform.
I never thought in a million years that I was going to attend to any blogging event and that has happened already this last weekend. I went to the FunFest UK Bloggers Summit in Northampton and I was able to meet in person with other bloggers and have a chat about what we love so much (blogging) and also I was able to learn a lot about being a blogger. I met Vicki from Honest Mum and that was in itself amazing!! 😉
- Has brought me the opportunity to be able to work with brands and learn about amazing products that otherwise I would’ve not known about. Of course, I’m just starting out but it has so far been incredibly satisfying to be able to do a review of products that I really like.
- Has increased my need of having to know more about IT. I have always been a little bit of a geek myself. I’m very curious and I love learning more and more. Back home I was always the first to understand how to use a PC and had to help my parents and siblings. It is an interesting world and I found myself wanting to know more and more. I’m so glad that I have now the best teacher ever next to me which is my husband. He teaches me so many things lately that I’m so impressed that I can now do difficult things like for example being able to do some coding. Crazy right?
- Is completely therapeutic and cathartic. My sister who is a Psychologist (actually she is a Psychotherapist) will understand this pretty well. I really found myself so much more relaxed and happy after writing something that matters a lot to me. When I’m writing a post that is too personal and I have finished and published it, I feel like a big weight has been lifted from my back. It is amazing that feeling of relief that you can get after it. It is a magnificent way for me to let everything go!
- Has made me learn all about the different social media out there that I probably wasn’t aware of before. I was just a Facebook fan before but after I started blogging, OMG I had to learn very quickly so I didn’t get behind about Twitter, Instagram, Facebook Pages (I didn’t have a clue about how to have and use a FB Page before), Google+. Pinterest, YouTube (I knew it from before but never as a proper monetised platform) and now the latest Periscope.
- Has made me think that this could perhaps be my business someday. The possibility to get my blog out there in a way that I can earn a living from is of course at the moment so far from being true but I feel very determined to try to achieve this goal. It would be amazing and I would be the most happy woman in the whole planet if this dream came true!!:-)
- Has showed me that there are so many beautiful blogs that I find incredibly inspirational and I now try my best to follow them regularly.
- Has given me something that is just mine. My blog is my own little world on the internet where I can just be me and feel safe for the time that I’m there. I feel protected and happy when I’m here writing.
I just want to finish saying that I have never felt so happy in my life apart from when I got married and had my 2 girls than when I’m writing. I love blogging and I’m so grateful for the opportunities that I have been given so far and also that I have been able to start building some new friendships.
Thanks for stopping by,
Love you all ❤️
Franca 💋
Oh you wonderful, talented lady, it was a joy to meet you, your husband and gorgeous girls, I felt we clicked instantly and want to hang out again. Honoured to be mentioned on your blog and here if you need anything xx
Awww you are going to make me cry!! Thank you so much for your kind words!! I loved meeting your family too and it was amazing to spend some time with you. You are such an inspirational woman! I felt the exact same way with you and I would love to hang out again!! 😉 xxx
This post shows how great it is being a blogger… I’m new to blogging too, and since starting it, I was able to meet a lot of people through social media, although you have not met them personally yet but it seems like you’ve known them for ages, more so if you follow their blogs… The blogging community is totally amazing! #AnythingGoes
Completely agree! The blogging community is the best!! Thank you so much for your comment Cheryl. I see you a lot on Wednesdays at #wickedwednesday. Your photos are always the funniest!! LOL 🙂 xx
Fab list, and I agree with so many of your points. Writing is like free therapy! I love the blogging community, everyone is friendly and helpful!
Thanks for linking up to #AnythingGoes
Blogging is really like free therapy for me too which is great because we don’t have to pay for it!! LOL Love this community, specially people like you that is always sharing everyone’s posts!! Thanks for commenting and hosting #AnythingGoes 🙂 xx
Blogging really is cathartic and has helped me through a lot of tumultuous events!
You are right! I’m so glad it has helped you a lot!! Thanks for stopping by lovely, 🙂 xx
Wow looks like you have been blogging for years. Your blog looks very established. Great job.
Awww thank you so much hun!! This is an amazing complement for me!! You made my day!! LOL Thanks for stopping by, 🙂 xx
What’s a lovely post. I really like this tag as it’s great to see how diverse the blogging community is and you get to find out more about the person behind the blog. Glad you enjoyed the blogger meet, I go to my first one tomorrow! #myfavouritepost
Thank you lovely!! Where are you going tomorrow? xx
How fab that you got to meet Vicki from Honest Mum and what a lovely post 🙂
I hope that maybe we get to meet some day too – that would be fab x
It was great to meet Vicki. She is lovely! I would love to meet you some day for sure!! I hope it happens sooner than later!! 😉 xx
What a lovely, positive post, I’m glad you are getting so much out of blogging.
Thank you lovely! xx
Im a new blogger too, it is a great hobby and as you say very addictive #sharewithme
Yes it is so addictive, right? I can’t stop thinking about it!! It is crazy! LOL xx
Back again from #myfavouritepost 🙂
Hi again Debbie! 😉 x
I think you have summed it up perfectly about what it is truly like being a blogger.
Thank you for the tag
Laura x x x
Thank you!!
No problem, glad you would like to take part too! 😉
I’m looking forward to read yours! x
Blogging can be so rewarding. It sounds as though you have had a great time so far, i hope it continues for you 🙂 #sharewithme
Thank you Rachel! I hope that too! 🙂 xx
Ahh lovely! I’m fairly new at this as I only recently decided to make more effort with my blog, I’m amazed at how quickly you are consumed by all things ‘blogging’ and I completely agree when you say you think about it 24/7, iam exactly the same! I’m so glad I started blogging 🙂
I’m glad you are so happy about blogging too. It is such an addiction!! Thanks for commenting Becca! 🙂 x
You are doing so well hun! I love how your love of blogging is there for everyone to see x
Aww thank you lovely!! I really love it!! I’m so happy I discovered it although it wouldn’t been even better if I’d have known more about it earlier!! 😉 xx
What a lovely post! I completely agree about finding blogging cathartic and feeling as though it is something that is mine, my own world to build as I like. I’m glad I came over from #brilliantblogposts!
thank you so much Elizabeth!! It is very cathartic and it transports me to my own little world. It is amazing, I love it!! xx
As always a great read! Such lovely photograph too! I completely agree with everything – for me its something that i started as a hobby and i now love! Suz x Beauisblue.com
Thank you lovely!! Blogging is very special for me! I feel safe when I’m writing and makes me very happy. Thanks for stopping by, 🙂 x
Brilliant learning about you hun, and I especially agree with your last point. Being a parent you tend to give everything you have to others. You don’t really have anything that’s just yours. Blogging is that thing for me too. 🙂
Thank you lovely!! Exactly! blogging is the only thing that is just for me!! It is very special!! Thank you so much for commenting, x
Great to read a pro blogger post X
Thank you hun! 🙂 x
Ahhh hunny such a lovely post. Vicki is amazing isn’t she? So glad you went to your blog conference and loved it. I started going last year and learn so much from so many. What a lovely post. Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme
So many of these rang true and I’m only 3 weeks in! I hope I still feel as positive as you in three months.
Really lovely post and good encouragement for newbs like me. Thanks
The crazy stork lady | http://www.breakingupwithcontraception.com
Great list and identify with all X #sharewithme