We are now in May which is a month I really love. This has always been the busiest month for me but this year it is even busier than ever and I will tell you why.
This is the month that my little Bella was born. She will be 6 years old and I can’t believe how quickly the time has passed. Lately she looks so grown up that I can’t believe it. She has been telling me with lots of excitement that she has 2 wobbly teeth. I don’t know who is more excited for this to happen soon, her or me? LOL! It will be the first time for this to happen so we are looking forward to this! We are actually very impatient about it, LOL. Bella is talking about the tooth fairy all the time and now I’m thinking how much the ‘tooth fairy’ should be giving for each tooth. Any suggestions?
This year we are not having a big party. She had a really nice party last year where we celebrated it with all her class but this year we have decided to invite about 6 friends and take them to the cinema. She would love that. Sometimes something small can be more enjoyable for all of us! We will have family coming to visit during the weekend too so it will be a busy few days. I still need to sort out a few details and get some presents but apart from that all seems to be planned now! We would like to do a picnic on the Sunday, so fingers crossed we keep having this lovely weather!
My dear sister’s birthday is also in May. We always try to celebrate it together if we can but this year it will not happen as as she cannot visit. She lives in Austria so it is not easy. It can be so sad to have your family living far away. I sometimes ask myself why I left my country but the thing is that I love the UK and despite not having my family around I have built a beautiful family of my own here and I would not change it for the world. The UK is now my home. 🙂
This is indeed the most important day of the month because it is MY BIRTHDAY, LOL! I know that you might be thinking that I’m crazy as probably a lot of people don’t care about their birthday as they get older but I do CARE a lot, LOL! I love my birthday. I love receiving calls, messages, e-cards, presents, everything – you name it. I love being spoilt and being the most important person for at least one day of the year! I’m so looking forward to that day! It is actually on a Monday this year, which is not the most interesting day to do things but perhaps I can send a little hint to Nick so he can organise something for the both of us to go out for dinner or something. That would be good, 😉 Let’s see what he comes up with this year.
This year will be my last year of my 30’s so I would like to make the most of next year as I will soon be changing the little number 3 to a 4! OMG, I’m getting so old! It is crazy, I can’t believe I will be 40 next year! I still feel young inside so it must be just the outside that shows my age with my wrinkles, LOL. Nick will actually turn 40 this year. What a massive milestone. I will need to think about how to celebrate, but that will be in September. Although I found out that the day of his birthday is the day of the MAD Awards Gala so at least we know that he will have a great time that night! It is all so exciting!
This day means so much to me because it will be one year since I started my little blog. I can’t believe it has passed so fast. It seems like only yesterday that I decided to embark on this little adventure. Who would have though that this decision would have been the best decision I have ever made in my life? It has changed my life forever as I have found something that I love doing. I feel super motivated about it and I only want to improve more and more every day. I’m celebrating this special day with lots of giveaways during the month so I’m already super excited about it :-). I think I will be opening my special gold champagne that day! I will let you know if it is good!
Nick and I will be celebrating 8 years of marriage! It has been the best 8 years that I have ever had. I couldn’t ask for a better partner. He is a great father to our daughters and best of all he is my best friend. I wrote a letter last year about my feelings about him. If you would like to have a read you can do it here.
I don’t think I will write a letter this year as I have said everything in the letter I wrote last year but I would definitely like to do something together, just the two of us. 8 years is a lot! I’m looking forward to celebrating this day.
Sunday (8th May) is Mother’s Day in probably most of the world apart from the UK. This means that my family and friends are celebrating Mother’s Day in Peru. I would like to wish a super amazing day to my MUM. It is really sad that I cannot be there to celebrate it with her and my other siblings but this is one of the disadvantages of leaving abroad. When I used to live in Peru my Mum and I were like an item. We were so close! We did so many things together. We really enjoyed each other’s company. She was the first one to take me to a cinema marathon from the morning until the night. I think I was 10 or 11 years old. It was the best day ever for me. We really loved watching movies together. She used to rent lots of DVDs to watch at home and we literally stayed all weekend at home watching them with my mum. Even when I was at the University. Of course this slowed down within the periods I had a boyfriend but this was something I loved doing with her and if you asked what memories I have with her I would probably say that.
My Mum also took me to Europe for the first time. We travelled together, just the two of us. We left my poor dad alone for a few weeks. He really missed us. Anyway, that was the best trip I have ever had and it is so funny because it was with my Mum but I loved it. Lots of things happened during that trip like for example my Mum feeling so ill on the tour bus when we were leaving Paris and we had to stop for an ambulance as she passed out! I was so scared, I thought I had lost her. It was so terrifying. In the hospital everybody only spoke French and I didn’t understand a word of what they were saying until we found that the doctor that was seeing my Mum had a Spanish mother so he explained everything to us in Spanish. It wasn’t anything major but it was a big scare. Anyway, the thing is that my Mum is very special to me and I love her so much.
“Mama, te quiero mucho! Espero que pases un lindo dia de la madre!! Te extrano mucho!” (in English this means: Mama, I love you so much. I hope you have an amazing Mother’s Day! I miss you a lot).
There we have it – this is all what is happening in May. I’m really looking forward to all these celebrations I mentioned above. Fingers crossed everything goes well!
Do you also have a busy May? If so, what do you celebrate in May? Or if not, what other month is a busy month for you? Leave me a comment below as would love to read all about it.
The next event in the calendar is
Thanks for stopping by,
Love you all ❤️
Franca 💋
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It sounds like May is definitely your month! It’s funny how all of those special birthdays fall in the same month. I hope the weather plays nicely for you so that your May is full of sunshine! #KCACOLS
Marvelous May! My son has just turned five and he is constantly trying to wobble his teeth so he can get a pound off the tooth fairy so I feel your excitement. The tooth fairy is going to leave him a nose saying if he makes his teeth wobbly that is cheating and she will leave him toothpaste..Lots of birthday wishes your way for this month #KCACOLS x
Wow – exciting month for you! Happy blogiversary – you’ve achieved so much in a year! Happy Anniversary – hope you have a lovely day together! Happy Peru Mother’s Day! & I hope you all enjoy your birthdays! #KCACOLS
Oh wow Franca. loads of special days for you in May, its one long festival! Happy birthday too!:)
mainy – myrealfairy
Ok so your May beats my manic march and april hands down! What a busy month you have, I love May for totally the opposite reason, we don’t celebrate anything in May at all! #kcacols
Yay I love my birthday too (despite edging ever closer to the big 4-0!) In fact my husband jokes that I don’t have a birthday, I have a birthWEEK! (I like to string it out!) I hope your little lady has a fab birthday too and your mum sounds awesome! #KCACOLS
So much to celebrate! I can’t believe Nick’s birthday is the same day as the MADS, now you have to win 😉 I hope you have the best month and gets lots of lovely presents and a great night out for your birthday (I love my birthday too, so I’m with you on that one). #KCACOLS
Nadia – ScandiMummy x
Happy Belated Birthday! Happy Anniversary! And welcome to the 40’s club! WOO HOO! Looks like all is good in the life of Franca! I just turned 43 and my hubby and I will be celebrating 7 years this May. Cheers! And thanks so much for hostessing the fab #KCACOLS