Not long ago I got an email from Alex, a Paraguayan guy that has started a new adventure with his British friend from 8 years and business partner Jonny called One Third Stories. They are trying to revolutionise the way children learn languages. As you all know I’m Peruvian and therefore I speak Spanish. Languages for me are really important. Being able to speak 2 languages fluently and understand another 3 (Italian, Portuguese and German which I studied at school) has brought to me so many opportunities in my life. I’m so very keen to give to my daughters the same opportunity I had.
My daughters have the advantage of having me around to learn Spanish but some parents try to help out at home teaching their kids another language and this can be very difficult because they don’t speak another language themselves.
This is why the idea that Alex and Jonny are trying to bring to you is just fantastic. They are proposing to create a beautiful hardback book that starts in English and ends in a different language by gradually introducing foreign words in easy-to-understand contexts. This way your kids will learn another language in the most enjoyable way possible.
They have just launched their Kickstarter campaign where they are pledging for your support. They want to make sure that children get a great start in language learning so that they don’t end up regretting missed opportunities. They are encouraging children to grow up learning about other cultures and making international friends and discovering all the other benefits that a second language can bring to you. They are offering a lot of rewards that you can get in return, from a copy of the finished book, to voting on your favourite story ideas and helping to shape what they are creating.
This book is designed to help parents and teachers who don’t speak another language themselves enabling them to support their children. It also makes learning a language so enjoyable that kids will be excited to learn more!
They are really keen to show that learning another language is fun, and achievable for anybody. They can improve our minds, give us better career prospects, and help us see the world. How great could that be if you can recieve all of these benefits during your childhood?
They are making three versions of the book; one to teach French, one for Spanish, and one for Italian. They are also creating an accompanying app (a digital version of the story with narration from a native speaker of each language). Isn’t it great?
Alex kindly sent us the printed story starter to read at home with Bella so we can have a taste of what this book is about. This story starter is focused in Spanish and has an activity where kids contribute their ideas for what should happen next.
The story itself is all about a little girl who goes outside in a storm to rescue a cat and has all of her words blown away. On her adventure to get them all back, she learns all sorts of new words in a different language. In this particular case as I mentioned before it was in Spanish.
Over 1500 children have already helped to write it! They took their brilliant ideas and turned them into characters in the book. How fantastic is that? A very clever idea right?
Throughout the story, they use The Clockwork Methodology®, which they created to make learning a language as easy and enjoyable as possible for kids. Here’s how it works:
The Clockwork Methodology® works because it helps children learn a new language in the same way that they expand their vocabulary in their native tongue. Mixing languages like this might seem strange, but it’s not uncommon amongst bilingual people. It’s called code switching and studies have shown that exposing children to it can actually have cognitive benefits as they develop strategies to process all that input.
I think Alex and Jonny have a great idea that should be supported by anyone who would love their kids to learn another language at an early stage. We all know that languages are absolutely amazing and all children deserve the chance to learn them! Please go here and help them to achieve this goal.
Have you heard of One Third Stories before? What do you think of their idea? Do you like this book? Would you like to help them? Do you speak another language? Will this be something that you would like to try for your kids? Leave a comment as I would love to hear what you think.
*Disclaimer: I received this copy in exchange for an honest review. This review is my own opinion and is a genuine representation of what I think. Content affiliation link.
Thanks for stopping by,
Love you all ❤️
Franca 💋
No, I have not heard of One Third Stories before but they are a great idea for little ones! I know a few phrases in Spanish and French but that is about it for me! Yes, I would love to try this new method with your kids, as they start to learn languages in school so much earlier these days and use much more fun ways of teaching and learning methods too.
Not heard of one third stories but great idea I can speak passable German conversational Spanish and get by French I’d I can order food and beer. Love to try this with my granddaughter 3
I only speak English, which I feel guilt about every time I go abroad, but I have no skill at languahes. I haven’t heard this method before, but would love to try it 🙂
I have not heard of these. I would love my girls to learn another language.
We reviewed this a while back and I was super impressed with the method – Marianna’s still a bit young, of course, but Anthony and I both found it really easy to pick the words up this way. x
This is the first I heard of One Third Stories. I think it’s a great idea. I studied French in school and lived in Japan for 2 years. My husband is the family linguist, and we’ve been exposing our daughter to songs in different languages. I’d love to introduce these books to her.
No, I have not heard of One Third Stories before but they are a great and get learning avenue for Children and adults to get you picking up new languages.
I absolutely love this idea, and would love a copy for myself! I started learning spanish in December and ‘code switching’ is the best way to learn to speak a language, I think, because it encourages you to chat! I will definitely support these guys!
have not heard of One Third Stories before , but my grandaughter is very interested in other languages x
Myself and my husband attended a bilingual school and were lucky enough to be taught a third language there. I would love to know more about these books to give our children a head start
I’ve not heard of these before but they look like a great idea. Would really love to speak a second language…maybe one of these books could help me as well as my granddaughter 🙂
I’ve not heard of these befor but they look and sound great. I hate not knowing a second language. My sister lives in Spain and it’d be great for the kids to be able to speak to her in Spanish
I have not heard of One Third Stories before but think these look great, I don’t speak a second language but it would be so useful 🙂
No sorry, but looking at it now, really good.
No, I had not heard of the Brand before. I unfortunately do not speak any other languages. These books look like a great idea. I would use these books with children, as I think they are a Wonderful idea.
Had never heard of before but I think they are fantastic. I don’t speak another language but My son is learning french and my daughter spanish at school and picking up quite quickly