Welcome to the first week of this brand new Instagram Community linky #UnPocoDeTodo that the lovely Maria, Tracey, Sandy and Nadia will be hosting with me from now on. The name of the community is #UnPocoDeTodoUK which is Spanish for “A Little Bit of Everything”. We are so excited about it! You can also find out more about this linky in the #UnPocoDeTodo Linky Page.
This community will have rules, so hopefully we will all benefit from it! I really hope this community will help us all to boost our Instagram accounts but in order for it to work we have to share the love. It is a similar concept to #KCACOLS.
Each week will be a separate linky party that you will need to link up the link of your Instagram photos. This way we have a list of people that have joined us so I can track that everybody is following the rules.
Because we are 5, we have come up with 5 different themes for your photos each week.
The different themes are as follows:
- Parents in the Picture (this will be any photos of you with your children)
- Kids (this will be any photos of your children or of any child)
- Outdoors/Nature/Objects (any photo of beautiful places, beautiful views or some objects that we found fascinating)
- Food (any photos of yummy dishes)
- Things that we love (this can be anything that you love)
We will rotate the themes so they will be different each week but the hosts will be the same. The order of the hosts is as follows:
- Week 1: Franca
- Week 2: Maria
- Week 3: Tracey
- Week 4: Nadia
- Week 5: Sandy
After week 5 it goes back to me and so on. The themes will rotate between each other every 5 weeks. We will let you know about one month in advance so you can prepare for the month. For our launch the order will be:
- Week 1: 5th September: Parents in the picture – Franca
- Week 2: 12th September: Kids – Maria
- Week 3: 19 September: Outdoors/Nature/Objects – Tracey
- Week 4: 26 September: Food – Nadia
- Week 5: 3 October: Things we love – Sandy
Each week we will come together and choose our 5 favourite photos, which would be added as a link back to you as we will share them in the following weeks linky post. This will give you a chance to increase your DA. We will also feature a 6th photo of the person that has spread the love the most. I always like to reward people who have been generous in this way!
1. If you fancy, put the #UnPocoDeTodoUK badge in your sidebar to increase awareness of this new community. The code for this can be found below or on my sidebar. Simply copy the code from the box below the badge and place it on your blog sidebar.
2. You can link up to 2 photos per week.
3. You will need to follow the themes of each week.
4. Follow the Instagram Account of the hosts and also the Instagram Account of the person that has linked up immediately before yours. This is as a minimum requirement. Of course I would love if you follow as many as you can but this is up to you.
5. Comment on the hosts photos on Instagram. Then comment on the photo of the person that has linked up immediately before yours and finally any other photo that you would like to comment on. That way everybody receives some love! I will say the more you spread the love the better! If you link up 2 photos and they are next to each other, you will need to follow, like and comment the 2 previous photos that have linked up immediately before your photos.
PLEASE always remember to start with the comment of the photo linked up before yours first and then go around as much as you would like. Also use the hashtag #UnPocoDeTodoUK when commenting (this is indeed very important so I can then see how many comments you are doing) as one of the photos that we will be featuring will be from the person that have been the most generous.
6. This linky will be open every Monday from 8:00 am and will remain open for one week until Saturday at 11.59 pm.
7. If you would like us to tweet your photo that is absolutely find just tweet me @WithFranca, Maria @suburb4nmum, Tracey @frazzledmumblog, Nadia @scandimummy and/or Sandy @Sandy_Heard with your link and we will retweet it. Please remember to use the hashtag #UnPocoDeTodoUK.
8. Finally, if you could please follow:
- Franca: A Moment With Franca on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest
- Maria: Suburban Mum on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest
- Tracey: One Frazzled Mum on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest
- Nadia: Scandi Mummy on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest
- Sandy: Mommy’s Little Princesses on Instagram , Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest
that would be fantastic!!
<div align="center"><a href="https://www.amomentwithfranca.com" title="IG Community: #UnPocoDeTodoUK"><img src="https://www.amomentwithfranca.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/UnPocoDeTodo-badge.jpg" width="200" height="200" alt="IG Community: #UnPocoDeTodoUK" style="border:none;"/></a></div>
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Thanks for stopping by,
Love you all ❤️
Franca 💋
Linking up with:
Kerry says
What a fab idea! I love Instagram, but haven’t had a clue how increase my audience and spread the love, so this is perfect!
amomentwithfranca says
Thank you Kerry! I really hope we can all benefit from it! Fingers crossed! And thank you so much for taking part! 🙂 xx