For the past 10 months I have changed my baby girl’s changing bag 4 times!! My baby is now 10 months and as she has grown up in a speedy way her changing bag has also been accommodated to her different needs for every new phase.
The Bags I Chose
1. I first bought the amazing Pink Lining ‘Twice is Nice’ bag thinking that it would be great to have double the space. I used this changing bag to take to the hospital with me and it was really good. I managed to fit pretty much everything apart from an extra bag of nappies I put in another bag. I used this bag for the first 3 months.
2. The next bag I used was the Caroline Storksak bag. I got it in black which made it easier to get my hubby to carry when I needed some help (A shame as I enjoyed getting him to carry the pink one). Joking aside, he often ended up being the one carrying it on his shoulders when we were out all together. It was practical so I could carry Sienna in her Manduca baby carrier as she didn’t like being in her pushchair for some time. We used this bag until Sienna was 7 months.
3. Next up was the Longchamp “Le Pliage” Expandable Travel Bag which we got because of the need to carry the Manduca baby carrier with us everywhere. We never needed to use the expandable option but it was big enough to fit the baby carrier when not in use plus all the other essentials we needed. We used this bag until Sienna was around 9 months as she finally started enjoying her pushchair and we no longer needed to take the baby carrier everywhere.
4. At the moment we are using the Longchamp Le Pliage Large in beige colour. For my normal daily trips out and about we use this bag but if we are going out all day and we need extra things we use the Longchamp “Le Pliage” Expandable Travel Bag. We alternate the last 2 depending upon our needs for the day.
Now, what is in my changing bag? What are our essentials and what couldn’t we leave the house without?
1. Current changing bag (as mentioned before) is the Longchamp Le Pliage Large in beige.
2. The essentials
a) Lunch Box
b) Pink Lining changing mat
c) Foldable rain coat
d) Portable (duck design) potty/wee dispenser for my 5 year old
e) Water bottle/flask for my 5 year old
f) Small foldable wet bag for spare clothes
g) Pink Lining wet zip bag with some more essentials
h) Small nappy clutch caddy wristlet
i) Babechic Breastfeeding Cover
j) Extra nappies
k) Cardigan
1. Skip Hop Zoo Lunchie Ladybug bag
2. This lunch box has a very good and reasonable space to put all the needs of your baby
3. Things packed inside: Ella’s Kitchen 10 month old meal, Ella’s Kitchen fruit smoothie/dessert, sippy cup filled with water, a bowl to pour the meal as it is much more lumpy than previous months, a zip bag with 2 plastic spoons for her meal and dessert, small Asda Little Angels hand wipes, Asda Little Angels puffs for her snack inside a zip bag to avoid any mess, nappy sacks which I used to put inside all the rubbish and finally a Tommee Tippee Explora Roll & Go
1. I bought this nappy clutch caddy wristlet from Etsy. I love the multicolour chevron pattern. This clutch is very practical as I was able to use only that to go to the changing room (instead of bringing the whole changing bag).
2. Things packed inside: from left to right first row, the clutch empty, a thin portable plastic case for the wipes (Huggies case), a cloth to dry her bum after using the wipes, a nappy, a small pot of sudocream, kleenex inside a zip bag and nappy sacks inside a zip bag.
3. This photo is just to show you that we used water wipes as they are the best wipes I have ever tried. It really helps a lot to avoid nappy rash. If you haven’t tried them you should give then a go as I promise its worth it. This pack stays at home – we just bring the nappy case filled with enough wipes for the day out.
1. I love these 2 products. I use them a lot. The padded changing mat has the perfect size to change your baby and it is so soft and comfortable.
2. The wet zip bag is very practical although I don’t use it for wet clothes.
3. Things packed inside the wet zip bag: from left to right first row, Savlon antiseptic spray plaster for when any of my girls have an accident (with 2 fearless girls I tend to use this a lot!), cologne, baby hair brush, calpol in sachets and a spoon, Nelsons Teetha Teething Granules and a small plastic spoon, plasters and suncream.
1. This foldable rain coat was a present from my babyshower. It is from Next and it is so practical I always take it with me because you never know when the weather is going to be windy and wet. This photo shows how it looks when open.
2. The small foldable wet bag that I use to fill with spare clothes was a purchase from Etsy too. This little bag is an American product and I find it so handy. I also bring it with me when we go swimming so I can put the wet swim suits in it and any other extra clothes that get wet. I have also used it to pack shoes so you can put whatever you want really. It is one of my favourites and I love it, especially the fact that its foldable. You can also see here the rain coat when its folded.
3. Things packed inside the small foldable wet bag: from left to right first row: folded wet bag, folded rain coat; from left to right second row: spare clothes such as leggings, top and socks.
I bring this to use for entertainment (in the car, etc). I don’t take toys anymore because Sienna is much more interested in exploring around than playing with her toys. Also she will always go and grab her bigger sister’s toys so I don’t bother packing anything else.
Note 1: I should pack a sun hat but the truth is that I almost always forget to bring it and when I do it she never wants to keep it on so I kind of gave up!!
Note 2: I also always carry a Burberry Messenger Bag with me with just my essentials such my car keys, house keys, small pack of kleenex inside a lovely pink case, small pack of wet wipes, hand sanitiser, my iphone, then my lipstick, perfume dispenser, vaseline, chewing gum and small hair brush are inside a small colourful red velcro pouch. If I’m on those days I bring a small sanitary pad inside a case, small beige pouch with bank cards, coins and receipts, Jimmy Choo sunglasses, travel card case with my Oyster travel card and store cards. I will do a video about “What is in my bag?” because I use a bigger bag when I am out for a longer time and of course I tend to bring much more things. I’m that kind of girl that needs too many things when out and about 😉.
Well that is it! I hope I’m not missing anything. What about you? What are your essentials? What are the things you can’t leave your home without? What is in your changing bag?
Thanks for stopping by,
Love you all ❤️
Franca 💋
*This is my entry for Pink Lining Ambassador Search* #ItsInTheBagBaby
You are so organised! I think even more than Monica, from ‘Friends’!
Hi Cheryl, you made me laugh!! That was so funny!! I really need to be organised with 2 monsters around haha Thanks for stopping by, xx
Jen has the Storksak and loves it. We bought it her for a mother’s day present. I have my own one that she bought me – a Barbour one. Her’s is full to splitting and mine has about 3 things in 🙂 #bigfatlinky
I like the Storksak a lot especially that it was in black so my hubby didn’t mind carrying it more than me lol I didn’t know that Barbour had changing bags. Good to know 😉 thanks for hosting, xx
I love posts like this! I had a pink lining and it was great but now we just have a handbag and backpack. I also think the etsy pouch is amazing #sharewithme xx
Ohh thank you for saying that!! It made my day!! yes the etsy pouch is sooo useful!!! Thanks for stoppingby , xx
Wow how super organised are you?! That is a lot of stuff to remember! Great list for anyone who might be wondering what to take out with them! Good luck! Thanks so much for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday
Thank you Lisa! I hope this list could be of help to someone else. It certainly help me so I’m not out and thinking ohh no I forgot this or that lol Thanks for hosting, xx
When I had lot’s of little ones (I had 4 in 5 years) I learnt to be very selective of what we took as I physically couldn’t have carried it all. I literally take the bare minimum now and rarely have we not had anything we needed, until the potty training starts of course when I will be lugging 16 pairs of pants and trousers around with me 😉 Thanks for linking up with #sundaystars
OMG Katie …. 4 kids!! How do you manage? That is impressive!! My respect!! I have 2 and I can’t barely manage LOL Of coure with so many kids you have to be much more selective although the essentials like wipes, nappies and sudocream apply for all I guess. 😉 Thanks for hosting #sundaystars linky
I am so nosy, I love a good what’s in my changing bag post or video. These are great. You definitely are prepared for anything. lol I have had so much different ones in my four years of baby carrying. lol Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme
I’m so nosy too!! LOL Thank you, I”m glad you like it! Thanks for hosting #sharewithme xx