Hola chicos, not all mums are prepared for the efforts and sacrifices that come with pregnancy. Despite the feel-good vibes and support that friends and family bring to the mum to be, it is very common to feel overwhelmed by the wait and recurring pain. Often referred to as maternal stress, the situation can intensify and reach depression. It is estimated that up to 18 percent of pregnant women suffer from pregnancy-related depression, so the scale of the issue shouldn’t be neglected.
There are however a number of ways to fight the negative side of pregnancy, some of which I’m going to share with you below. After all, pregnancy is the most inspiring time and shouldn’t be spoiled by negative thoughts!
Choose a more relaxed lifestyle
Much of the stress often associated with pregnancy is in fact caused by a number of events in your life that are not at all related to the process itself. So take a deep breath and make the most of the down-time from work, as well as the sick days and the time with your family. How much of your time are you dedicating to yourself? Start by focusing less on your professional life and more on the bigger picture. Practices such as meditation and yoga can go a really long way when trying to get that weight off your shoulders. A healthy lifestyle and diet, good sleeping habits and an active social life will add to your general well-being during pregnancy. Remember that you are not alone and don’t hesitate to ask help to your partner and friends when needed!
Don’t stress about your looks
Women can get more conscious about their looks during pregnancy, to the point that many mums can’t help booking the odd visit to the beautician or hair removal appointment during pregnancy. However, by taking your mind off the way you look and accepting the natural changes that your body is going through, you will also feel more at ease with yourself and be able to dedicate your mind to the things that really matter. If you are really concerned about your looks, it will be relatively quick to get back to shape after pregnancy, so don’t make a bigger deal out of it than you should!
Be active
Being pregnant doesn’t have to mean becoming a couch potato! Moderate physical activity is in fact great for your baby as well as your body. With swimming, there is no sweating or danger involved. Aquanatal courses are made specifically for pregnant women and are perhaps the ideal way to stay active during pregnancy. A 10 to 20-minute walk during your lunch break will help you keep your body in shape and the mind off the daily grind.
If you choose Private Healthcare you can receive a complete service from before birth, throughout pregnancy and after delivery, such as the one offered at Guys & St Thomas.
Disclosure: collaborative post
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Love you all ❤
Franca 💋
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This is an awesome guide pregnant women. Being pregnant is such an exciting time in your life, but it naturally can cause a lot of stress. It’s really important to avoid stress as much as possible, and these are great tips for doing so! Thanks so much for your help!
This is great – I’m personally a fan of swimming. Great for the joints and still a good workout which does god to relieve stress. Thanks for putting this together!
Great guide! Stress is definitely a biggie especially as people are finding it harder and harder to get pregnant.
Good advice, but sadly too late for me. I will pass on your wisdom though.
Great advice its definitely hard not to stress when pregnant…. hormones make it worse