Foster parents offer a home to children who need it. Often, placements are short, sometimes even overnight while a parent is in the hospital. Some placements are regular, when the same foster family offers a temporary home to the same child, to offer their parents respite and extra support. Some placements are much longer. But one thing all fostering placements have in common is that they give you a chance to improve a child’s quality of life and offer them stability and support.
Many people consider fostering, but not everyone has what it takes. Here are some of the signs that you could make a great foster parent.
You Love Kids of All Ages
Some people absolutely love babies but aren’t as fond of older children. Others find teenagers easy to speak to, but struggle to make conversation with younger children, and wouldn’t know what to do with a baby. As a foster carer, any preferences that you might have will be taken into consideration as much as possible. But you should ideally be happy and confident with children of all ages and genders.
You Like to Have Fun
One of the best ways to bond with new children is to have fun with them. Not all parents are good at imaginative play, and you certainly don’t need to be. But you should enjoy being around children, and you shouldn’t be afraid to show a sillier, more childish side of your personality.
You Are Interested in Fostering
The fact that you are seriously interested in fostering, even after learning more about the processes, means that you might be good at it. If fostering is something that you’ve been thinking about for a while, and not a passing phase, then you might have the commitment needed to be a great carer.
You’re a Great Listener
Foster parents need to be able to listen to the children in their care, but also teachers, case workers, doctors, and anyone else involved in their foster child’s life.
You’re Patient
Foster children rarely follow a set plan. Some children will open up and join in with your family straight away. Others will take time to settle and adjust. Good foster parents are patient, give the child space, and avoid getting frustrated when things don’t go to plan.
Your Life is Stable
You don’t need lots of money, a huge house, or a massive family to be a foster parent. But you do need to be able to provide a child with stability and security. If your life isn’t very stable, this might not be the right time for you to become a foster carer.
You Are Open-Minded
Every child will come from a different background. They will have had different experiences and they will be different people. Good foster carers are open-minded and never make snap judgements.
Learn More About Fostering
If you think that you have what it takes to be a foster parent, and would be interested in taking the next steps, visit to learn more about the process, what you’ll need to do and what you can expect going forward.
Being a great foster parent is one of the most rewarding things that you can do. If it’s something that you are interested in, learn more about here.
Have you thought about being a Foster Parent? Perhaps there’s something else that could be added to this list – let me know in the comments about any other signs that might make a great foster parent.
*Disclosure: Collaborative Post
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Franca 💋
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