For the past week or so I have been taking photos of Sienna’s Outfits of the Day (#OOTD) and now I have enough photos to do a collage of them for a whole week. How cute is that? 😉 LOL
My idea is to try to keep taking photos of her outfits everyday and do one post per week showing the photos from the whole week. It would be nice to see the photos of her outfits for a whole year although this will certainly be challenging because she always wants to walk around rather than stand still to pose and smile for the camera. She also always tries to take off her headbands with bows or flowers which is a shame. I have been constantly trying to keep them on but to no avail. Bella was like that too so I’m a bit unlucky with this as I love bows on girls. The good news is that now Bella is older she likes to use all kinds of hair accesories so I’m hoping that Sienna will eventually like them too.
Most of Sienna’s outfits were originally Bella’s so I’m so pleased that I was able to reuse them. They grow so fast that you are left with lots of clothes that they never get to use which is such a shame really. I had a huge pile of almost new clothes that I had ready to use this time.
The majority of the outfits were bought in Peru – all the ones shown in the collage above are from Peru or South America.
Anyway, I hope that you like this collage of photos of Sienna’s outfits. It would be lovely to be able to sit down and go through these photos with her when she is older! 😉
Do you also like to take photo’s of your children’s outfits? Do you have the same problem trying to take photos of them? Will she/he never stay still? Leave a comment below telling me about your story as I would love to hear from you.
Thanks for stopping by,
Love you all ❤️
Franca 💋
Nia says
Oh she is so cute! I definitely love taking photos of my girls when they are wearing something particularly cute, but I struggle to get a photo that’s not a blur of them running around! Lovely pics 🙂 #twinklytuesday
amomentwithfranca says
Thank you hun! It is really difficult to take the photos. I’m finding it hard lately. I hope I will be able to keep doing it because I love it but she just doesn’t want her bow in anymore 🙁 so sad. Thank you for commenting Nia, xx
Caro | The Twinkles Mama says
Aaah she’s such a doll!! Bless her! And such a good model too 😉 My boys refuse to sit/stand still anymore!!! Getting a picture of them is damn near impossible these days!! 🙂 Thanks so much for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday — hope to see you again next week! x
Caro |
amomentwithfranca says
Ohh thank you lovely!! I’m getting to that point lately. I’m finding it really hard to get a good shot lately which is a shame because I love to take photos of her outfits. Thanks for commenting and for hosting Caro, xx
Emma's Mamma says
This is so cute! I love her little outfits! And what a smile she’s got! 🙂 x #sharewithme
amomentwithfranca says
Thank you lovely!! I love taking photos of her outfits. It is so much fun! Thanks for stopping by, xx
Carolyn says
She’s so cute, and the outfits are adorable, I love the red dress in the bottom left photo! I have done some toddler outfit posts of Lizzy (as well as mother & Daughter style posts) and it’s sometimes so difficult to get decent photos! It’s such a cute idea to do a whole week’s worth but I don’t think I’m organised enough haha! #sharewithme
amomentwithfranca says
Thank you hun! I love that dress too! Although it is actually pink and yellow but I guess the colours don’t come across very well in the photo. She has the same dress in black and white too. They are so cute!! Thanks you so much for commenting Carolyn, xx
Jenny says
Oh love all her amazing outfits. Too cute Thank you ever so much for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme
amomentwithfranca says
Thank you for commenting and hosting Jenny, xx