When I first moved to the UK one of the things that I used to hear a lot about at the start of November was Bonfire Night. This was something completely new to me as of course, it is a British custom. Not knowing what this was, I had to ask about it, so I was able to understand what this night meant for the country.
For all of you that don’t know what Bonfire Night is (for my international readers), it is an annual commemoration observed on the 5th November, primarily in Great Britain. It marks the anniversary of the discovery of a Gunpowder plot organised by Catholic explosive expert Guy Fawkes who tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London in 1605. Many people light bonfires and set off fireworks. A bonfire is a large controlled outdoor fire made from bales of straw or wood. The word is believed to come from “bone fire”. In the time of the Celts, there were midsummer festivals where animal bones were burnt to ward off evil spirits.
This means that every 5th of November we have a magnificent display of Fireworks in different locations across the UK. Most of the Councils organise an event so people can gather to enjoy the occasion. I have been celebrating this day since 2005 (the year I moved to the UK) and it has always been a great celebration.
Nick and I usually go to a fantastic display not far from where we live. When Bella came along it was even more interesting as she really enjoys this night. We have not been able to go with Sienna yet as she has still been too little. Last year daddy and Bella went together to see the display and to enjoy the funfair they have on site as part of the celebrations. I couldn’t go because I was taking care of Sienna.
This year things will be even more interesting as we are planning to all go together for the first time, so it will be a great night for all of us. The Fireworks display that we usually go to is moving so it will be interesting to see how that is, although it also means it will be a little be further for us to travel to. The display is normally one of the best in London and given that bonfire night falls on a weekend this year, it will be great for all the family.
Another thing we normally do around bonfire night is to have a few fireworks when we visit Grandma and Grandpa’s in their back garden. Grandpa likes to buy the Fireworks so he can do a little show for us all, although I think he enjoys them more than all the rest of us, LOL!.
We are really looking forward to this year’s Bonfire Night and I’m hoping that the fireworks display will be as fantastic as ever!
Will you be celebrating Bonfire Night? How do you normally celebrate it? Are you are also looking forward to a fantastic fireworks display? Please leave a comment below as I would love to read what you think
*Disclaimer: collaborative post
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Love you all ❤️
Franca 💋
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