I remember being pregnant with both my girls. It is of course a very exciting time and you cannot contain your happiness but at the same time, it can be very confusing with lots of conflicting advice! You get emotional too together with the feeling of sickness, life can be very hard!
To help, Sea-Band has invited experienced practising midwife, Gill Perks to give her top tips, to help all mothers-to-be along their pregnancy journey.
1. It is safe for women to exercise when pregnant and recommended that all try and have about 2.5 hours of moderate intensity activity spread throughout the week. Women who are used to exercise before pregnancy can maintain their level of activity in pregnancy as long as they are comfortable – however, be sure not to try anything new or more strenuous than usual.
2. Some foods should be avoided in pregnancy. Always wash fruit and vegetables carefully before consumption. Guidance has recently changed and runny eggs are safe to eat if they have the Lion Mark. Avoid unpasteurised and unripe cheeses, pâté and do not eat more than two tins of tuna fish per week as well as avoiding shark, marlin and swordfish. Caffeine should only be drunk in moderation, beware of caffeine in coca cola too, and alcohol should be avoided altogether.
3. Wear gloves when gardening or changing cat litter to protect your baby from toxoplasmosis. Wash your hands before you put anything in your mouth!
4. It’s really important that friends and family offer lots of support in pregnancy, especially during the first 12 weeks, when expectant mothers can feel extremely tired and especially if suffer from morning sickness. If possible, having other people do the shopping and cooking can make enjoying foods easier and allows you to rest.
5. Avoid tight, restrictive clothing, particularly around the waistline. Pregnancy is a time to make yourself as comfortable as possible! Varicose veins can also appear during pregnancy, so avoid standing around for long periods and consider support stockings. See your GP if the problem persists.
6. Write a birth plan, even better call this ‘birth preferences’ and share with everyone who will be involved with the birth. This should ideally be ready by about 36 weeks when a pregnant woman can expect to have an opportunity to discuss her birth preferences with a midwife and perhaps visit their chosen birth setting. The birth preferences should include who you will want with you during labour and birth and the types of comfort measures you would like, for example, massage, labouring in water or gas and air. Of course, it is normal that some of these preferences may change during labour and you are free to change your mind! Some thought and consideration of preferences can be really helpful prior to the labour itself.
7. When people offer you help with your new baby say “yes please, bring me a meal!”
Sea-Bands are acupressure knitted wristbands that are clinically proven to relieve motion sickness and morning sickness in addition to helping with post-operative and chemotherapy-induced nausea. Sea-Bands are the natural choice for drug-free relief of all types of nausea.
One of the typical side effects of pregnancy is having morning sickness or sometimes even a whole day sickness feeling, therefore with the help of Sea-band, those feelings might be reduced. In order to help more pregnant women. they have created a Pregnancy Toolkit where you can find a lot of hints and tips and videos from Gill Perks as well as being able to find out your pregnancy superpower.
Now onto the giveaway. I am running a giveaway so that FIVE of you can Win A Sea-Band Set For Adults. In order to have a chance of winning, you just need to enter the giveaway below. Good luck!
*Terms & Conditions:
- Open to UK & Ireland residents only.
- UK entrants over the age of 18 only.
- You can Win A Sea-Band Set For Adults
- FIVE winners will be chosen via Gleam and announced on this page.
- The winner will be contacted by e-mail within 7 days of when the competition ends. If they do not respond within 10 days once notification is sent, another winner may be chosen.
- All times are GMT.
- There is no cash alternative.
- This set will be provided by SEA-BAND
- Please allow 14 days for delivery.
- Incomplete or duplicate entries will be deleted.
- Entrants must leave a means of contact: either twitter handle or email address.
- This Giveaway starts on Monday 18th December 2017 at midnight.
- This Giveaway closes on Sunday 8th January 2018 at midnight.
Are you pregnant? Are you suffering from morning sickness? If so, what do you do to relieve the symptoms? Have you heard of Sea-Band wrist bands before? Have you used them?
*Disclosure: This is a collaborative post with Sea-Band. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own. It contains some affiliate links.
Have a look at all my other GIVEAWAYS
Thanks for stopping by,
Love you all ❤️
Franca 💋
Linking up with:
| ThePrizeFinder | Loquax | Super Lucky |
I was lucky that I never had any really bad ‘morning’ sickness, but my stepdaughter is having a really rough time of it at the moment
I’m not entering but oh my can I relate to this, on my son who’s now 13 I sailed through my pregnancy and on Megan who’s now 5 I had morning/afternoon/evening sickness all the way through, and terrible heartburn at night when the sickness eased, and my emotions were raging, I felt completely drained all the way through, then on Mollie who’s 9 months I was only sick a few times, and had a pretty normal pregnancy xxx
Im not pregnant but my neice is -feelung rather sick most days
Small amounts of food regularly helps
Never suffered from morning sickness whilst pregnant but one of the twins has used Sea-Bands for travel sickness. Friends tell me that ginger biscuits are the cure all.
I’m not pregnant jut now but suffered with hyperemesis
Im not pregnant however we are discussing having another and I always suffer with morning sickness all the way through so these would be great
As a male, I’m not pregnant nor suffered from morning sickness. My wife however did suffer from morning sickness.
I did suffer with dreadful morning sickness and now my expecting daughter also suffers I used to nibble on ginger biscuits which helped. But I suffer motion sickness when I cruise so I would be interested to see if this helps me this September.
My friend is pregnant at the minute with bad morning sickness so this may be good for her.
im not pregnant but have always suffered travel sickness, worse after i had baby my baby 7 weeks ago., ive heard of these bands but never tried them and would love to ready for our holidays this year
Wish we’d known about these when my wife was having our son – she had terrible morning sickness for months
I always ate crackers with no butter
I’m not pregnant but have family who are, I’ve heard of sea bands but never thought about pregnancy nausea, wish I had when I was pregnant!
Morning sickness, not great is it? But thankfully I never had it all day or severe like a lot of people, including the Duchess of Cambridge.
Great video, thank you. Helpful, I wish I’d had these when I was pregnant.
Not pregnant looking st trying later this year
I feel nauseous all the time and i’m not even pregnant. I wonder if these could help The docs can’t figure out what’s wrongw ith me!
I drank ginger beer tea from Whittards when i was pregnant but unfortunately they dont make it any more.
Yes I’m suffering with morning sickness! I like to eat Ginger biscuits x x x