I can clearly recall watching the Teletubbies back in Peru quite a few years ago with my niece when she was just one year old. She would wake up super early between 6 and 7 am which for me at the time still felt like night time (I was in my twenties). I used to wake up way later than that, lol. Anyway, the Teletubbies were my niece’s favourite program. As soon as it was on, her expression transformed to one of happiness. It was such a joy to see her so excited. I remember saying to my myself, “The day I have my own kids I would love to watch this program with them and feel the same joy”. Here we are, about 15 years later and I can now experience it with my own daughters – and it feels great! 🙂
Teletubbies has been relaunched this year with a brand new series featuring the same loveable characters as the original one but has been refreshed to bring a more contemporary look and feel to it. The series is designed to help young children develop their physical, emotional and cognitive skills in a warm, loving, playful environment. It’s about exploring, experimenting, experiencing and enjoyment.
The series is aimed at children aged between 1 and 3 years old, perfect for my youngest daughter Sienna who is 22 months. Although aimed at younger children, it is also quite watchable for older kids like my eldest daughter Bella who is 6 years old and still enjoys watching it too.
The show airs at 7 am every weekday on CBeebies which is the time when my lovely little risers like to have their breakfast. Sienna loves watching it whilst eating her cereal next to Bella who usually finds a comfy spot also on her bean bag.
Now that Sienna wants to watch Teletubbies more often, we use the BBC iPlayer from the TV or from Bella’s iPad to watch more episodes together. It was so beautiful to see them watching the program together – it makes my heart melt every time! Sienna is really quite engaged with the characters now. I don’t think she has a favourite yet but she does like to repeat the names that are sung in the introduction. The one that she manages to repeat better is laa laa.
Sienna really loves this program. The characters are are all so bubbly, cheerful, happy and very likeable. The bright colours are very attractive for Sienna as that captivates her attention a lot. The main characters are Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa Laa and Po. They also have Noo Noo, Tubby Custard Ride, the Tubby Phone and the super cute Tiddlytubbies.
Tinky Winky is purple, the biggest Teletubby and almost always goes first. Dipsy is green, fun, loves dancing and bouncing on his bottom. Laa Laa is bright yellow, the performer. She loves to sing and dance. Finally we have Po who is cute, red and little. She likes to fly on her scooter!
Noo Noo is a much loved companion of the Teletubbies, the Noo-noo is fantastic at cleaning up. Tubby Custard Ride, is a fantastically fun way to make Tubby Custard. It can get very messy. The Tubby Phone is a brand new smart phone with a touch screen and a typical ring which can be heard by the Teletubbies even when they’re playing outside.
The Tiddlytubbies are eight smaller Teletubbies! They have their own individual colours and characters: Daa Daa is green and loves zooming about on the back of a ride-on Tiddlynoo. Umby Pumby is yellow and is the sleepy Tiddlytubby. Baa is a deep blue colour and is a noisy Tiddlytubby who sings, claps and likes music. Ping is bright violet and pops up to surprise people with a “ping” (“BOO!”). RuRu is orange, giggly and loves doing roly-polies. Duggle Dee is a deep red colour and is Nin’s best friend.  Mi-Mi is turquoise, a brave character and always does things first. Finally, Nin is purple and is Duggle Dee’s best friend.
The Sun Baby is 18-month old baby Berry from London who plays the part of the new Sun Baby and takes over the role made famous by Jess Smith, in the original series. The much loved and iconic face in the sun forms an integral part of the children’s engagement with the show, featuring in every episode. Sienna really likes the Sun Baby. She alway says, “baby”  every time it appears.
We also enjoyed watching the part of the The Tummy TV clips because they show our kids how other toddlers and preschoolers interact and do different activities so our kids identify with them. Siena really likes this section of the show and finds it fascinating to watch.
As a parent, I really love that this program not only entertains my girls and excites them but also because they teach my girls different developmental benefits such as: getting on with others, laughing, communicating & expressing themselves, listening & responding, knowing & understanding, finding a voice, exploring, being themselves, being active and coordination. Lots of benefits! Fantastic right?
You can find out more about the Teletubbies on Facebook, Twitter, Instagran and YouTube.
Were you a fan of the Teletubbies, when it first started 19 years ago? Have you seen the new Teletubbies series? What do you think of it? Do your kids watch it? Do they like it? Leave me a comment below as I would love to hear what you think.Â
*Disclosure: I am a member of the Mumsnet Bloggers Panel, a group of parent bloggers who have volunteered to review products, services, events and brands for Mumsnet. I have editorial control and retain full editorial integrity.
Thanks for stopping by,
Love you all ❤️
Franca  💋
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Mini R is a fan of the teletubbies. I remember it first time round and was shocked when I saw they’d have babies! ha ha! #KCACOLS
Has it really been 19 years?! I would have been 10 at the time and I remember that I thought the characters were really cute and that lots of teenagers had Teletubby backpacks. We have a dancing Tinky Winky which F just loves and dances along with. I’ve got to be honest though; I find it incredibly creepy! #KCACOLS
My cousins used to love Teletubbies when it was on first time around – I remember having to spend many mornings on holiday with them watching it. I haven’t seen any of the new series yet though, Marianna only ever wants to watch Rainbow at the moment. x #KCACOLS
I remember when I first saw the Teletubbies I thought someone had slipped something hallucinogenic into my tea. I cannot believe it was 19 years ago and that original giggly baby in the sun is now an adult. Frightening! #KCACOLS
Leo absolutely loves the Telstubbies!He loves the noo noo and the tubby toast haha. The pictures of your girls watching it together are so sweet xx #KCACOLS
I can’t help but think they look weird lol. Let’see, I might change my mind if Baba becomes a fan. Lovely to see your two daughters watching it together, they are very cute #KCACOLS
First of all that many years?? Really?? Time really flies, and I hate the Teletubbies. Don’t hate me, lol I was so glad my children never took to the show either. Whew! It is nice that you can enjoy the show with your children. #KCACOLS
I can’t believe they are onto the relauch. They had just come out when my 18 year old was a baby #KCACOLS
Ive always been so worried about letting my son watch too much television. its so great knowing there are shows out there specifically designed to help them learn. and i love that they show case other kids and focus’ on how to interact with them 🙂 #KCACOLS
I have to admit, for the past 19 years I just thought the Teletubbies was nonsense! ‘I’m going to teach my child to talk properly’ I always thought! Ha! When my 20-month saw it for the first time a month or so ago, he was immediately TRANSFIXED!! He absolutely LOVES it! Nothing captures his attention quite like it. In fact, until that point he hadn’t sat still and concentrated on anything for that long. He particularly loves the Baby Sun and the real life TV clips! So I am converted now. A great post – thank you! #KCACOLS
I remember the Teletubbies first time round as my mum was a childminder so I had to tolerate it during the summer holidays. I still have a cuddly Po which used to be my mascot and sit in ever car I’ve owned! I’ll have to start watching the new ones with Poppy! #kcacols
I remember watching this when i was at primary school!!!
Cant wait to introduce Holly to it 🙂
I remember when they first aired, my baby sister loved them. No doubt my baby will do too when she gets older. #KCACOLS
Ah so cool that the teletubbies are back! I remember them being really popular years ago- and even having that song. My baby is almost one so I would love her to see them as I think they would appeal to her x #KCACOLS
I had no idea that they were back! My eldest loved Teletubbies but thankfully my youngest have been spared so far, I think they were my least favourite TV show!! I am reluctant to introduce my three to them but torn because I know that my eldest learned so much from them! Maybe I will give in! #KCACOLS
It’s great to see the Teletubbies back!! The animation looks really cear & colourful. There is a lot of learning from watching them & they are so cute. It’s great that they come on at the perfect time for a bed time show. #KCACOLS
I remember Reimer when he was still a baby, he used to giggle a lot when watching Teletubbies. Ruby was not really keen on it but she still watch it sometimes. It’s great how these shows lasted a very long time, it signifies the quality and education it bring to the kids. #KCACOLS.
I remember this program the first time around! I had no idea they were relaunching it, I must put it on for my one year old and see what she makes of it. Your pictures are adorable!
I still can’t believe the teletubbies had babies!! I am sure when I was school they were in the charts with their song?? I love that they are back #kcacols
Nothing beats an “old school” cartoon! I love putting on the shows that were popular back in the day for my son to watch. 15 years has really gone by fast, I didn’t realize it had been that long since Teletubbies came out! #KCACOLS
I haven’t seen the new teletubbies as my girls don’t watch Cbeebies anymore but it will be on our screens in few months with the new baby. How ccute are the baby teletubbies! #KCACOLS
We are really into In the Night Garden, but I am getting a bit sick of Iggle Piggle. I will try to introduce the Teletubbies instead, even if it’s just for a bit of variety for me. thanks Pen x #KCACOLS
19 years! I feel so old!! My daughter is a huge tellytummies fan (as she calls them) It’s so lovely to watch it again after all this time though I was too old for it the first time round #KCACOLS
I have to be honest and say that the Teletubbies scared the hell out of me the first time around and they still do now… whether that’s anything to do with the dubious dressed up characters around London remains to be seen. #KCACOLS
19 years?? How is this possible ?? I was a little too old for it then (coughs) but still a favourite with my two year old now. #kcacols