Welcome back to #KCACOLS. I hope you are all well! We had 53 link ups! THANK YOU ALL so much for being part of the linky! I really appreciate your support. For new people joining us this week, I really hope you like #KCACOLS and that you come back again next time! You can also find out more about this linky in the #KCACOLS linky page! 🙂
My last 2 weeks have been quite busy but not as much as previous weeks. During my first week, I went to Southampton for one night to attend BlogCamp on a huge ship! It was definitely a unique conference. I enjoyed the experience despite the lack of coffee, LOL! It was lovely to meet new bloggers and to see old faces as well! I had a great time.
We also got the opportunity to review the latest Hatchimals Surprise toy where we had so much fun filming our unboxing video! I had to do this in a complete rush because the day we received it, was the same day Nick and I were travelling abroad for the weekend! OMG, I was so nervous because the time was getting close to when we needed to leave so I was trying to get it done quickly, and ended up accidentally dropping the egg! Typical! These things only happen to me! It was a stressful moment!
Thankfully, we managed to get it done and we set off that evening, childfree, for an amazing press trip to the Portuguese island of Madeira which was the most amazing experience ever! They treated us so well that I can’t stop thinking about it! The hotel, the food, the views, the activities and especially the people were so welcoming and friendly! We loved it there! If you haven’t visited before, I can highly recommend you to. It is a beautiful island!
I was supposed to attend a couple of events this week but I was so tired after such an intense week that I couldn’t go! I decided that the best thing to do was to rest for once, otherwise, I would have ended up ill in bed! So now, I feel more rested and ready for new adventures! 🙂
Each link up, I love sharing a couple of photos from my last 2 weeks on Instagram, so here are two of my favourites:
Thank you so much for using the #KCACOLS hashtag on Instagram for all your photos. It is lovely to see your photos there! I would love it if more of you could use the hashtag for your photos and of course it would be even better if we all also spread some love there! I am featuring 2 photos from the community that have caught my eye since the last link up.
This time I’m featuring photos by:
- NICOLA from Mummy to Dex
2. SARAH from Arthurwears
THANK YOU to all of you that have joined the #KCACOLS CROWD Facebook Group. You can join us here. Also if you do join, please send me a direct message with the name of your blog so then I know who you are without having to figure out your blog name 🙂
We managed to get 4 comments and more on each post! Yay! It is nice to see that happen again! I am not sure if it is because we are having fewer but loyal linkers so its possible the commenting works better! Whatever it is, I am so happy we achieved it! Hurrah! …and thank you to all of you for being so generous with your commenting! 🙂
DON’T FORGET ABOUT THE CHANGES TO THE LINKY The linky is a fortnightly linky. It will be open for 2 weeks until the second Wednesday at 8 pm or until we reach 100 link ups, whichever comes first. The rules will be the same, the only difference is the amount of time that the linky will be open for. The co-hosts and I will be allowed to change our posts on the following Saturday after the linky is live. Please be aware of these changes during the second week. I would suggest that you link up one post each week so you will be able to share something different and current each week. I will also be more strict regarding commenting on the post before yours. |
I’m not tweeting individual people once the linky is live but I will tweet the people that have been featured and mentioned. I’ll also post a link to the new linky post on the KCACOLS Facebook Group, pin it on my Twitter account and on my Facebook page together with some generic tweets. I will of course, email all of you the link. If you could also share it by clicking the link below that would be FABULOUS!
IMPORTANT NOTE FOR NEW LINKERS: PLEASE START by commenting on the post linked up before yours FIRST and then comment on any other posts as much as you would like. Also, use the hashtag #KCACOLS when commenting (this is indeed very important so I can then see how many comments you are doing and then be able to feature you in my linky post which is always great for you as you get a backlink which helps improve your DA). |
Thank you so much for all your comments on the host posts and the linky post. As always, I have read and liked all your comments! We will do our best for you to receive a comment from someone on behalf of the linky (either the co-hosts or me).
This week the “monthly” guest co-host is TRACEY from One Frazzled Mum. Here are her social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, & Pinterest). She will also be retweeting your tweets this week so please add her twitter handle (@frazzledmumblog) to your tweets as well as mine. Finally, she has a guest co-host post, Celebrating Birthdays with the Bags of Love Personalised Photo Cushion linked up too. Please if you could go there and add a comment it would be AWESOME!
I would like to say THANK YOU so much to HELEN from Talking Mums and ALANA from Burnished Chaos for helping me with the commenting this week! Helen has not co-hosted before. She was great! Alana has helped me before and did a great job for sure! I had a great time co-hosting with them! 🙂
My first guest co-hosts this week is EMMA from Me and B Make Tea. You all know Emma by now. I don’t think she needs an introduction anymore as she is a big part of this linky. I have mentioned and featured her so many times and she has co-hosted with me many times too. However, for those of you new to this linky and would like an introduction, Emma blogs about fun food ideas, days out, random thoughts and the bits in between! She is married and has a gorgeous boy. As always, I’m looking forward to co-hosting with her again. Please give her some love to her social media accounts which are (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram & Pinterest). She will also be retweeting your tweets this week so please add her twitter handle (@meandbmaketea) to your tweets as well as mine. Finally, she has a guest co-host post, 12 Advent Calendars Your Kids Will Absolutely Want this Christmas linked up too. Please if you could go there and add a comment it would be AWESOME!!
My second guest co-host this week is KATARZYNA from Oh Mummy Mia. This is the first time that Katarzyna is co-hosting with me. She has been linking with us for a few months now. I am excited to have her. She has a parenting blog. She is married and has a little boy. She likes to blog about real life, tips, tricks, parenting advice and travelling. She also blogs about food, so she shares lovely recipes that are healthy and gluten-free. Please give some love to her social media accounts which are (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook & Pinterest). She will also be retweeting your tweets this week so please add her twitter handle (@ohmummymia) to your tweets as well as mine. Finally, she has a guest co-host post, You Deserve a little bit of luxury – featuring Malee Natural Science linked up too. Please if you could go there and add a comment it would be AWESOME!
The person who commented the most was AMIE from Mums the Word. I am so happy to have Amie at the top of the commenting this time! It is the 2nd time in a row that we have seen her here! Yay! But this time she went to the top! I love that! She has commented on 48 posts!! Hurrah! Thank you so much lovely! Her post from last week was September Highs. Please go to her post and give her more love if you can.
The second person who commented a lot was BREAD from Queer Little Family. I am so happy to have Bread back to the top 3 commenting! She is always so generous with the commenting and I love her for that! She was fantastic commenting on 40 posts! Yay! One of her posts from the last link up was Seven Great Pieces Of Advice From My Parents. Please go to the post and give some more love if you can.
(Note: Just a quick note to mention that Emma from Me and B Make Tea was the 3rd person who commented a lot with at the top with 26 comments but because she is a co-host this week I am featuring Ann who was after her)
The third-person who commented a lot was ANN from Rainbows are too beautiful. It is lovely to see Ann in the top 3 commenting again! I am sure you are familiar with her blog. I have mentioned her several times and also she has co-hosted the linky before. She is lovely! She commented on 20 posts! Super! Her post from the last link up was How to approach parents’ evenings. Please go to the post and give some more love if you can.
Behind Amie, Bread and Ann were BETH from Life as Mum with 20 comments, ALI from Ali’s Upside Down World with 15 comments and EPRIL & AMY from Eps and Amy with 13 comments. Thank you so much to all of you! 🙂
For this week’s linky I am linking up Ham House, Our day at a National Trust Site and Goodbye Christopher Robin World Premiere so I hope you like them! 😉
Please do not forget to follow and check out the #KCACOLS Pinterest Board. We have pinned all your posts from last week’s linky so please go and have a look. There are some great posts that deserve a read!
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Now let’s carry on with the linky:
Every 2 weeks I will choose 6 people who have commented A LOT within the linky. Three will be featured and another three will be mentioned on my fortnightly Saturday linky post. This means that 6 people will get a backlink on my new linky post every other Saturday!
1. Be sure to grab the #KCACOLS badge which can be found below or on my sidebar. Simply copy the code from the box below the badge and add it to the text/html at the bottom of your post or place it on your blog sidebar.
2. You can link up to 2 posts. I recommend you to link up one post each week to get the most of the linky.
3. You can share anything that you would like. It is open to absolutely any subject and also you can link up posts that are old or new. You are allowed to link up another linky ONLY if it is a promotional post about the linky and you can do this only once and I expect you to put my badge or a link to my linky and of course to follow the rules regarding commenting.
4. Comment on:
- one of the hosts’ posts (choose one that you would like to comment).
- the monthly guest co-host post.
- the guest co-hosts posts.
- the post which is linked up immediately before yours.
- and finally, any other post that you would like to comment on.
That way everybody receives at least two comments (one from the host/guest co-hosts and one from others).
5. This linky will be open every other Saturday from 10 pm and will remain open until the following 2nd Wednesday at 08.00 pm or until we reach 100 link ups, whichever comes first.
6. If you would like us to tweet your post that is absolutely fine, just tweet your link to me @WithFranca, TRACEY @frazzledmumblog, EMMA @meandbmaketea and KATARZYNA @ohmummymia and we will retweet it. Please remember to use the hashtag #KCACOLS.
7. Finally, if you could please follow A Moment With Franca (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest , Bloglovin, Google+ and YouTube) that would be fantastic!! 😉
I look forward to reading and commenting your posts!! 🙂
<div align="center"><a href="https://www.amomentwithfranca.com" title="Keep Calm and Carry On Linking Sunday"><img src="https://www.amomentwithfranca.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/kcacols200x200.jpg" width="200" height="200" alt="Keep Calm and Carry On Linking Sunday" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
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Thanks for stopping by,
Love you all ❤
Franca 💋
kid can doodle says
Holiday photos look so inviting! I wanna go! And even the oil slick looks like a piece of art! cheers!
amomentwithfranca says
Thank you! Yes all the activities were fantastic! We had so much fun! I was really impressed as I wasn’t expecting to have such a wonderful weekend!! 🙂 x
KAte Lili says
Madeira looks stunning. I can’t believe you dropped the hatchimal that’s so funny! xx
amomentwithfranca says
Madeira is AMAZING! We loved it there! Yes I know! I was in shock when it happened! But yes you are right, it ended up being funny! Lol x