I know this is not a topic we like to discuss much. Most women feel embarrassed to even discuss any subject related to their intimate parts but I think this is an important subject and we need to start talking about it so we know better about our female intimate health. That is why I agreed when Canesten asked me to take part in their Myth Buster Campaign, as I really want to help other women to feel confident and happy to talk about their intimate health. Women shouldn’t feel it is a taboo topic and they should discuss it as naturally as possible.
Also, I have great news because I am running another fab GIVEAWAY thanks to Canesten for one of my lovely readers to win A £50 Amazon Voucher. If you would like to find out more, check the details at the bottom of this post.
Canesten is is the number one brand in the Women’s Intimate Health category, offering solutions for all common intimate conditions, as well as, everyday intimate care products. Its market position provides the opportunity to educate women on intimate health matters whilst enabling them to self-diagnose and self-treat knowledgeably and with confidence.
Have you heard about thrush or Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) before? Do you know what they are? Have you been through this before and perhaps you didn’t know which one you had it? It is so important to learn more about their differences so then we know how to treat them.
I personally have been through both and I had to learn about it myself and I felt so embarrassed about it the first time. But the truth is that I shouldn’t have felt like that because these things happen. We just need to learn more about it so we then know what to do. The first thing I did was to get a GP appointment to discuss my symptoms. But do you know that now you don’t even need to do this because Canesten has a page dedicated fully to understanding the symptoms of each of them so we can choose which one to treat? They even have a test for you to take so you can confirm your symptoms. I thought this was fantastic!
Canesten are striving to promote a more confident approach to feminine intimate health and therefore empower women to make the right choices for their body. They are committed to helping women by offering them healthcare products and knowledge, so then women can keep in control of their intimate health.
If women know more about their intimate health, they will be better equipped to make the right health decisions. So, if women are more willing to speak openly, this can help them to be more confident and comfortable in their own bodies and happier overall.
BV is the most common cause of vaginal infections in women of childbearing age, however, women are still confused between this and thrush.
Over 75% of women will suffer from thrush at least once in their life, whilst sufferers of BV may not have even heard of the condition itself. Bacterial vaginosis (known as BV) is caused by the presence of certain bacteria which leads to a pH imbalance in your vagina. Your vagina is normally acidic, which helps prevent bad bacteria from growing and maintains the level of good bacteria. If this pH balance becomes less acidic, it can affect the environment of your vagina, which in turn can lead to the development of BV. Most people experience symptoms of BV such as unpleasant odour, watery discharge, greyish white looking discharge.
Canesten has created a quiz which has been specifically designed to equip women with the right information and to help improve their confidence; with the end result aiming for a more body positive approach to feminine hygiene, and empowering women to make the right choices for their body.
The quiz has six questions and they are aiming to measure how much you know about your intimate health. I have taken the quiz and I only got 1 out of 6. I thought I knew more about it but apparently, I didn’t! This shows you that sometimes you think you know more than what you actually do! I am glad I took the test because now I feel I have learnt more about my intimate health.
Now, I would like you to also take the test and find out how much do you know about your intimate health! If you do take the test (above), please share it with us and let us know your results!
Now onto the giveaway. I am running a giveaway so that one of you can WIN £50 Amazon Voucher. In order to have a chance of winning, you just need to enter the giveaway below and tell me in the comments section of this post “What have you learnt about your knowledge of intimate health?”. Good luck!
*Terms & Conditions:
- Open to UK residents aged 18 and over, excluding employees and relatives of A Moment With Franca and Bayer Plc
- There is 1 prize of one £50 Amazon voucher.
- ONE winner will be chosen via Gleam and announced on this page.
- The winner will be informed within 14 days of the closing date and will need to respond with a postal address within 28 days or a new winner will be chosen
- All times are GMT.
- The prize is non-transferable and no cash alternative is offered
- This set will be provided by Canesten
- This is a joint promotion between A Moment With Franca and Canesten
- The prize will be sent within 28 days of receiving the winner’s address
- Incomplete or duplicate entries will be deleted.
- Entrants must leave a means of contact: either twitter handle or email address.
- The winner will be chosen at random from all valid entries
- By entering the giveaway, you agree to your email address being collected and shared with Bayer Plc for promotional purposes. Your email address will NOT be shared with any third parties
- The winner’s name will be available on request
- This Giveaway starts on Wednesday 6th September 2017 at midnight.
- This Giveaway closes on Wednesday 27th September 2017 at midnight.
- Entry to this confirms that participants have read, understood and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions
*Disclaimer: This post has been supported by Canesten, but all thoughts are my own.
Have a look at all my other GIVEAWAYS
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Love you all ❤️
Franca 💋
Most subjects are never taboo with me, I can talk about anything tbh lol
That is fantastic!
Totally! I think you are mainly only aware when you have a problem! Usually after antibiotics or an illness that has laid you low for a length of time. I am very choosy which GP I see, I don’t care if they are male or female, they just mustn’t be bossy or have an attitude and I’ve seen a lot of those! The best are the ones who are sympathetic and non-judgemental and not bossy! How I hate those bossy types with no bedside manner.
I completely agree with you! I hate the boss ones too!
i scored 3 on the test i can talk to my hubby and 2 friends about anything but most people i wouldn’t
I got 4/6 did learn something today
I am glad you found this post useful! 🙂
I only feel embarrassed if I have to see a male doctor but it’s only a body and I’m sure they’ve seen it all before. I have had experience with it in the past and would definitely say don’t put getting it sorted off just because your embarrassed.
Yes as I’ve experienced this before and they said I’m prone to thrush so they told me to use aqua cream with no smell or stuff normal shower gel would have in x
4/6 I thought I knew more than I did! I guess you learn something new every day!
No, I don’t feel embarassed to talk about it. My mother was very open with me during puberty and explained a lot then too, I’m also lucky to have an pretty amazing G.P who Im comfortable to talk about anything wiht. Never sufferedfrom B.V but thrush quite often especially when prescribed antibiotics! Scored 4 out of 6 on the test..darn it lol
Love this! 🙂
I would feel embarrassed talking about it. Luckily I dont think I’ve ever had it. Maybe once when i was pregnant but I know ladies that get it continuously xx
it depends who your talking too i’m ok talking to doctors about this sort of thing after have 3 children and cervical cancer but other people i fell uncomfortable talking about it
I didn’t know that BV was more common than thrush. I’ve learnt as I’ve got older that it’s fine to talk about intimate health, it’s not taboo and people shouldn’t feel like it has to be x
My mum is a retired nurse and former medic from the army and I am the youngest of 4 with 2 much older sisters – we have never had issues about talking about issues together – I am glad I have had such an open upbringing and both my sisters are bringing their kids up the same way – my nephew actually came to us when he was concerned about an std to get advice on getting tested (he was clear and had thrush!)
This is amazing! Love your story! 🙂
I would feel embarrased trying to describe symptoms to a gp however having more knowledge that it affects 1 in 3 helps realise its a common problem that can be treated easily.
intimate health issues are not something i feel particularly comfortable about discussing. I have children ranging from age 11 up to age 22 and I could talk with my daughters aged 18 and 22 quite happily – either if i had a query or if they had a query. However, if my son aged 20 voiced a concern, i wouldn’t find it as comfortable to talk with him. That said, I would try to make sure I put him at ease and dealt with the problem calmly and quickly as I would want him to know he could always come to me. From previous experience, he is far more likely to speak with me rather than my husband, his father.
This is very interesting!
What a helpful quiz, i was not as informed as i thought i was
I’m not embarassed to talk about intimate helth although I’m not that clued up on different conditions and symptoms
I’m not too bad as l’ve got older about intimate health, the only think l dont like is how their is always someone around within earshop when you want to aske for something private! but hey were all have problems so its natural!