I’m always worried when my girls are not well. I can tell straight away when they have a temperature because as soon as I touch their forehead I know if there is something wrong. What I don’t know for sure is the exact temperature that they have. So like most parents, I use a thermometer to confirm if they have a high temperature so I can then decide if I need to give them medicine to prevent a fever from getting worse. What I also do, is carry my (big) thermometer with me when we are travelling just in case but this is not very practical as it takes a lot of space. What if I told you that there is a small modern device that will do this job for you that can be carried everywhere with you taking up very little space and is super light too? Well, this fantastic device exists and its name is Oblumi Tapp Thermometer.
So what exactly is the Oblumi Tapp Thermometer? It is a device that, when connected to a mobile phone, converts that device into a digital infrared thermometer with a range of capabilities. In just a few seconds you can take your body temperature by placing it on your forehead or in your ear.
- Oblumi tapp
- Adaptable lid for forehead use
- cleaning wipes
- travel case
- instructions for use
It calculates medicine dosage based on the information you enter for each of the members of your family. Another interesting feature is that it will keep a history of all your data which is great because I always keep forget what the previous temperature taken was. It displays the temperature data history and medication taken so that your fever can be followed up correctly and the information passed on to a medical professional.
You can also use it to share the information with your family. So if Nick is at home with the girls whilst I am out, I can check the app to see the latest data which is fantastic. You can send automatic notifications to any contacts that you choose to share the information with. It has an alarm, which when activated will remind you of the next dose of medication or to retake the temperature. I like this feature. Anything that will help me to be on top of the situation is really good.
With this device, you can take the temperature of any liquids too with the same accuracy and speed.
What I like the most about this device is the size. It is only a few centimetres long (Just 50 x 24 x 18 mm). Also it only weighs 22g. It is so practical as you can put in your bag. It also comes with a really cool storage pouch.
As well as being compatible with the Apple iOS and Android systems, you can also access detailed information from any personal computer or tablet. The Oblumi Cloud synchronises the data between all devices.
First, you need to download their free app from iTunes or Google Play. You then add the information of each member of your family so you can record a temperature history, calculate the medicine dosage, send and receive notifications and set alarms. I think all these features are fantastic.
You need to connect the device to your phone through the headphone socket and it works using the audio settings. There are 2 options of how to take the temperature. You can either put the device in the ear or hold it against the forehead making small circles. It should be very easy and quick to do.
I was very interested in trying it myself, so I tried it with both of my girls. Interestingly enough, my experience with each was different. When I tried it with Bella who is 6 years old everything worked really well. We tried both options (ears and forehead) and it was very easy to do and of course very quick. I was practising how to use it with her, so she was not ill at all. However, with Sienna who is 2½ years old, my experience was different. I don’t know if this is related to her age but it was not easy to do as she was refusing to help me. She was actually ill and very warm so I didn’t want to force her too much. She didn’t want me to try it in the ear one but she kind of let me check her forehead which was difficult to do as she was moving so much despite me explaining that she needed to keep calm. In short, it took me a long time to get a temperature from her which was frustrating but then when I managed it was helpful to have a record of it along with the dosage needed. I am not sure if this was because of lack of practice as we are still learning how to use the device or if it was because Sienna was not in the mood to try anything.
You can see below a short video made by Oblumi:
I like the device. It is small and lightweight. It is easy to carry with you. It has lots of features and benefits. I had some problems using it with one of my girls but I think it was mainly because it is not easy to deal with a 2 year old anyway! I had a great experience using it with Bella, so I can see this product works well when using it with children who are not in the toddler stage. It will work but it could take some time. Overall, it is an innovative product that can give you some peace of mind knowing you can keep track of the results through the app and that you can share this information with other members of your family using the same app.
This device costs 41.95 euros as it comes from Spain. This is about £35. You can also buy it from Amazon but note that you will need to pay shipment. See the details below:
What do you think of this thermometer? Have you tried something like this before? What do you think of the features?
*Disclaimer: I received an Oblumi Tapp Thermometer for the purpose of this review. All opinions and thoughts are my own. The post contains affiliate links.
Thanks for stopping by,
Love you all ❤️
Franca 💋
What a great idea
Thats so clever – would have put an end to me skiving off school by sticking the old mercury thermometer on the radiator though!
This looks fantastic….I always have trouble remembering when the next medicine dose is due and how high a temp is etc so this is an amazing idea…really great and I have not seen anything similar to this before.
Would love to have one we have a basic one this looks much more professional
This looks useful, would love one
Very thoughtful and useful. Every home should have one.