Now that summer is over, you might start to notice the activity in your garden, backyard and even flowerpots begin to slow down. Crape Myrtle Trees from The Tree Center will still be in bloom, some flowers will be showing off one last burst of colour, before the cold weather creeps in, and you suddenly might be conscious of all the dead leaves that are blowing around outside making everything look untidy and messy.
So, what can you do to have your garden ready for the cold, dark months ahead? Well, you might have a lot more to do than you think! Read on for your go-to guide for preparing your garden for Winter.
Get Tidying
It’s a task that no one wants to do, but if you want your garden to be successful next year and if you want to not worry about the state of your garden during the high winds, snow, ice and driving rain then this is something you need to get on board with. All those dead leaves need raking up, as these will clog up drains and gutters if left to blow around freely, not forgetting it’ll look unsightly too. All those overgrown weeds and bushes that have taken hold over the summer? They need trimming back, removing and tidying up before the weather changes.
Prepare Your Lawn
Did you know your lawn needs to breathe in order for it to grow back healthy next year? Give the lawn a good rake to remove any moss or thatch that might be sitting on the top of it. Better yet, get your lawn mower out one last time and give everything a good haircut! You can even sow lawn feed to give it a much needed boost before it goes to sleep.
Bring In All Your Summer Toys
We had a great summer weather wise. So many things might have migrated to the garden. The kids toys, water pistols, the BBQ, extra dining room chairs from when you had that big get together, candles, fairy lights – the list goes on! So, before the bad weather hits, make sure everything is cleaned, brought inside or put away in a safe, dry place until next year. It’ll save you having to purchase the same items next year if they get ruined by the poor weather!
Plant Your Flowering Bulbs
Whether you love snowdrops, crocuses, tulips, daffodils or all of them! Now is the time to plant your Spring flowering bulbs. Head to your local garden centre or even supermarket and see what you can find. You can even make it a family affair and get the kids involved. They’ll love seeing all their hard work come into full bloom next year. There are also plenty of exotic fruits suitable for UK gardens.
Outdoor Lighting
The garden can look a little dull and bare over the coming months, so why not add another dimension with some outdoor lighting? Outdoor lighting will certainly cheer everything up and it might make the walk from the car to the front door a little safer too!
What do you think of this go-to guide for preparing your garden for this upcoming Winter? Do you the same? Do you have other tips?
*Disclosure: Collaborative Post
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Love you all ❤️
Franca 💋
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I don’t have any tips other than to hire a gardener to do it for you. 🙂
Haha that would be good! 🙂
Definitely going to pass some of these tips on to my OH. The garden is definitely his domain.
Great! Thank you! 🙂
Very useful thanks
Glad it is useful! Thank you!
Love this xx
My partner needs to take some tips from This! x
Great! Hope he finds this useful! 🙂 x
I need to get back in my garden as it’s been neglected this year, never thought of starting in the Winter season though.
Interesting right! 🙂