Last year on 24th December I wrote a post called Time to Disconnect where I was explaining about how overwhelmed I felt with my bad habit of being glued to my phone or laptop 24/7. I know that is not what I want for me but unfortunately being a blogger means that I have to be more aware of the internet and social media. However, there are some moments that we should disconnect from everything and try to focus on what is important.
Last year I did try to disconnect around Christmas. It was hard and I did my best, managing to disconnect and really enjoying it. So this year when I was asked by Time To Log Off and Punkt to be part of their “Your Present is the Presence” Christmas campaign, I was really keen to give this a go as I know a digital detox is always something that I occasionally need and is a great way to help you think what are your priorities are and to focus on your loved ones more.
This campaign was different as they wanted me to do the challenge one month before Christmas as preparation for the actual date. At the beginning, I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to do it as I have so many commitments at the moment but then I thought, why not? I decided to just try to give it a go.
They sent me a box with a Punkt phone and other items which they thought could keep me entertained and away from the internet. The idea of this phone is that you remove your sim card from your mobile and put it inside the Punkt phone. This phone is designed to only let you make calls and texts to your friends and family so all your contacts will still be there.
That way you will not be away from your love ones but you will not have the temptation of browsing the internet that easily. This really helps you to properly disconnect from the internet. This sounds all so interesting but I was also really scared about it as I know how attached I am to my phone and I was worried this was going to be the most difficult challenge for me to do.
My days are always very busy. I have so much to do that it is insane. I need my phone for everything, especially for my work. I had a commitment on the first day. My family and I were invited to visit Lapland UK for the day. I was really worried about that as I knew I would be desperate to share photos online. I had a chat with my husband and we agreed that he will support me and he will share some photos if needed.
After that, I was ready to start this challenge. What I love more about this was that I actually had the day to spend with my family and have fun together. I really enjoyed our time together as a family. I had my DSLR and that was great for me as that substituted my need to use my phone for photos thus avoiding ending up looking at anything else.
OMG guys, this was SO hard. I really felt the need to use my phone constantly and I wanted to tweet about it all the time LOL. It was really hard but I must say that being with my family and enjoying the time together was the most important thing for me. I really want to give my presence to my girls over Christmas so this challenge was very important.
Day 1 was very hard but being distracted really helped me to be away from my phone. That was also a bonus because it passed very quick as we were busy on our day at Lapland UK. I found it very difficult during the journey though as when you are in the car you tend to kill the time by browsing the internet through your phone. I put the radio on instead and that actually helped to get distracted. We also put some Spanish songs on for kids that my girls love so we sang along. They fell asleep On the way home so the temptation came back again. I decided to sleep a little bit too. That was nice.
As soon as we arrived home we were really tired so we all went to bed early. This took me to Day 2. This day was going to be difficult as we didn’t have plans to go out. I actually had a lot to write so I decided to concentrate on that. This was great as not being connected to the internet actually helped me to be more productive. I managed to write 2 blog posts that day which was good. We did some activities with the girls and the day passed quicker than I thought.
When the afternoon arrived I was getting anxious again. As I said before I have some commitments so I need to get on the internet. I was feeling the pressure and the urge to get a few things done. I am not going to lie, I had to check a few things online in order to fulfil some commitments. I know this could sound like a failure and maybe it is as I probably failed the challenge after doing this but I would like to think that the success of this campaign was more trying to keep me away from the internet as much as possible than trying to get away from the internet AT ALL. I did that, spending a a lot of time away from the internet and enjoyed some quality time with my family and that for me is a success!
I will be doing this again around Christmas for sure and I would love it if you joined me by disconnecting also, so you can give your presence as a present too!
What do you think of this campaign? Do you also feel that you spend too many hours online? Are you also attached to your phone? Have you tried to disconnect before? Would you like to disconnect around Christmas time? Please leave a comment below as I would love to read what you think.
*Disclosure: I was sent a box with a Punkt phone and some other items for the purpose of this challenge and promotion of this campaign but all thoughts and opinions are my own.
Thanks for stopping by,
Love you all ❤️
Franca 💋
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You did really well – congratulations! It is so easy to get sucked in to spending way too much time on your phone. I’d love to try this! #KCACOLS
I think this is a great idea – I definitely need a digital detox! #KCACOLS
You did so well! I’d be rubbish at this as I’m addicted to my phone! I love the idea of spending more time with the family without the Internet but now I’m blogging its gotten worse!
It’s a really good idea and something we should all do. I might have to hide hubby’s phone over Christmas as he’s worse than me lol!! #KCACOLS
I successfully (mostly) detach from my phone when camping every year. .Mostly due to lack of reliable service but still it is something. Good luck at Christmas! #KCACOLS
I love this campaign and although I haven’t done a digital detox purposefully, on our last summer holiday we had no phone signal for 10 days and so I was unable to be on line other than 15 minutes at night on the wifi….and it was amazing! I did miss nosying at my phone, sharing on Instagram, etc but it was so refreshing to just switch off and enjoy the moment! #KCACOLS
This is a great idea, it really is scary how hard this can be! #kcacols
This must have been so hard, I know I would struggle! I tend to do my social media whilst my son is asleep, I’m not sure what I would do with my time if I detoxed! (I suppose I could do the housework…)
Such a great idea. I definitely spend too much time on my phone, on social media and such. I don’t know how i’d feel if i disconnected but i think i would get used to it after a few days! I doubt my blog would do too well though! #KCACOLS
I think you did really well Franca! It’s really hard to remove yourself completely from the internet when that’s where your work is based! I do think this is a lovely idea though, and I’m looking forward to having some internet-free time with my family over Christmas. x #KCACOLS
Great idea. I am guilty of too much technology but this christmas is going to be different! #KCACOLS
I remember contemplating doing this too but decided against it….my biggest issue was that I have hardly any phone signal at home so I rely on the internet to contact people (mainly my husband) via whatsapp etc. As it happens, I’ve just had almost three weeks with no wifi so I haven’t been able to do any blogging or the usual internet browsing etc and I’ve found it really hard! Hats off to you for giving it a go. I’ll def try and switch off over Xmas but I love to take photos on my phone so that is really important to me! #kcacols