The past couple of weeks before Christmas have been super busy and at the same time very exciting. It’s amazing, all the things that you have to get done for Christmas, the list is endless. A good start is getting a tree and decorating it. Last year we bought our first real Christmas tree and we loved the experience. This year we really wanted to do the same. We wanted to make it a special tradition from now on to get a real tree every year. I love the look and smell of a real Christmas Tree.
We wanted to get our tree on the first weekend of December, although we had a family gathering at the Woodman in Highgate on the Saturday so we were thinking to buy one the next day on Sunday. When we arrived to the Woodman we found there was a popup real Christmas tree shop in the pub garden. What a coincidence, we couldn’t believe our luck! How convenient to go for a nice family afternoon gathering and also be able to buy our Christmas tree too!! Yaay!!
The trees were gorgeous. They all looked amazing. The company that were selling the trees is Pines and Needles. We chose The Nordman Fir. It was 4ft and the most interested featured was being a Non-Drop tree. This is something that really caught my eye and thought was super interesting. I wasn’t sure if this was going to be true or not but we decided to give it a go. One of the things that we were not happy with at all last year was having to clean the dropped needles every morning. Just to pass by the tree meant that we had a lot of needles on the floor and this was something that I didn’t like about having a real tree. I have already heard of this type of tree before so I was very keen to try it out. After a few weeks of having the tree I can say that IT WORKED!! There were no needles dropping at all!! I couldn’t believe it. What a fantastic tree!! We will definitely be getting this type of tree next year!! They also have a delivery service which I thought was fantastic. I guess now that I have tried it and know how good the trees are and also I know what tree I like, it could be even easier to order online. You could also order online and then collect it from the nearest store so any of these options are great!
We had a great time at the Woodmans, its a really nice pub. The food is great, the place is family friendly which is always a plus when you have crazy kids like me, LOL! Their outdoor area is great as they have blankets and outdoor heating so you don’t feel cold if you fancy being outside. We did this for a little bit as my girls love running around although my little one, Sienna eventually got too tired and became fed up (as you can see from the above photo). On our way back to the house both girls were completely dead. They fell asleep after 5 minutes of being in the car! It’s always nice seeing your kids peacefully sleeping after a long fun day!
We loved decorating the tree with the girls. Look how gorgeous the tree looks, I am really pleased with it. We also got 2 little angels with my girls’ names which was a gift from my parents in law from last year and we were so excited to hang again. We also hung our Christmas wreath outside our door.
Also as you already know from a previous post, we had a new visitor with us until Christmas, Felix our scout Elf. He has been with us all December and he has been amazing. My girls have loved the whole idea of waking up every morning and looking for him. Every morning or more realistic to say, most of the mornings, he was waiting for my girls to be discovered. On Christmas Eve he left a note to my girls saying goodbye. His note said this: “Merry Christmas, see you next year Sienna & Bella. Love, Felix”. He has now gone back to the North Pole and we are now looking forward to having him again next year. Hopefully Sienna will understand even better.
Bella had her second Christmas Fair this year at her school and she was very lucky to meet Santa. She sat down on his lap and told him that she had already sent her Christmas list to him and then asked him if he had received it. Santa looked confused but then he told Bella that he received it. 😉 haha. She also drew a very cute stocking with lots of glitter which we used for our Christmas Cards. Isn’t it a great idea? I love to send personalised Christmas Cards as they are much more special!! Do you agree?
It has been crazy getting all the presents this year. We left everything until the last minute so we had to rush getting everything wrapped in time too!! The last weeks have been non-stop and a lot of hard working but everything gets better when you see those little faces with huge smiles!! For me that made all the hard work worth it. I love seeing my girls so happy!!
You make all these preparations for so long and then the day just arrives and passes so quickly. I hope you had a great Christmas!! Now we are looking forward to the New Year!!
How was your preparation for Christmas? Were you organised this year or did you do everything last minute? Leave a comment as I would like to hear your thoughts.
Thanks for stopping by,
Love you all ❤️
Franca 💋
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I always think the lead up to Christmas is much more magically than the day 🙂 looks like you’ve all had a lovely time
Completely agree!!! It just take you so much time getting all things ready and then the day just last 2 minutes!! LOL But I guess we all love the spirit that you get during the whole December! Yes we did had a lovely time!! Thank you so much for commenting, 🙂 xx
What a lovely and christmassy post! We always have had a real try and for as long as I can remember (I’m now 22), me and my dad have always been the one to go get it and pick a good one! Hope you had a lovely festive period! x
It looks Super Busy. I love the snowflakes on your website and the visit from the elf sounds great. Hopefully now the rush of Christmas is over, it will be less busy. I was lucky to get some samples sent to me which I used for Christmas presents and it saved a lot of time and money- neither of which I had.
Ahh I love the run up to Christmas – the boys are usually so excited and we try to do lots of Christmassy things! It looks like you’ve had a lovely run up and I love the photos of Bella with Santa! xxx