Hola chicos, everyone who knows me will know that I love tennis. I love this sport so much which is why it is the only one I really follow. Since settling in the UK, Wimbledon has become my favourite tournament and the one that I look forward to the start of each year. We are now in the second week of this years Wimbledon and I have been glued to the TV watching lots of matches. This is actually very interesting because since I started blogging a year ago I have pretty much given up watching TV. When it comes to tennis though, I can never stop watching! 🙂
Tennis is a great sport because it helps you with aerobic fitness, anaerobic fitness, ability to accelerate, powerful first step, speed, leg strength, general body coordination, gross motor control, fine motor control, agility, dynamic balance, cross-training, bone strength and density, immune system, nutritional habits, eye-hand coordination and flexibility. How fantastic is that? There are so many benifits! 🙂
Me playing tennis when I was 6 years old
Since I was young tennis has been a sport that I have really enjoyed! I had some private lessons and as well as lessons at my school. Yes we were lucky to have a tennis court there, which was amazing! I maintained my love of tennis whilst I was at university, taking more lessons. It was great just practicing this sport and although I was never close to it being something I would do professionally, it was just nice to be able to play. When I moved to Europe (First Madrid, then London) I was keen to take my Wilson Tennis Racquet because I wanted to make sure I was going to be able to keep practicing this lovely sport.
Bella watching tennis when she was 1 year old
I have tried to make watching Wimbledon a tradition at home. I guess because I like it so much so Nick and the girls must watch it by default, LOL! It is true that if your kids watch you being so passionate about a sport it is very likely that they will also love it. I taught Bella to say “Come On Andy Murray” when he is playing, lol. She knows very well who is he and what to say. It is so cute to watch her doing that.
Photo taken by EDDIE MULHOLLAND for the Telegraph
We love Andy and I have always supported him. When he won Wimbledon for the first time in 2013, we were so happy for him. It was just the most amazing day for the whole country. I also loved when he won at the Olympics. What a special moment that was too. I think I cried on both occasions. Right now he is playing in the second week of Wimbledon. Djokovic is now out and it brings more hope that Andy could win Wimbledon again! I don’t know what will happen but we will be watching for sure! Fingers crossed he can win! 🙂
Since living in the UK I have not had the chance to play as much tennis as I used to, which is a shame. Unfortunately, time hasn’t allowed me that. I want my girls to love tennis like mummy. I did put Bella in some private lessons when she was little which were organised by her nursery. She really enjoyed it and understood what she needed to do. I though it was fantastic.
The thing is that all those lessons that I have had and that Bella had were private lessons and sometimes this is not always possible to afford. Thanks to the British Lawn Tennis Association who are hosting the Great British Tennis Weekend #GBTW, you can take your whole family to free sessions to enjoy some quality time playing tennis with your family. Thousands of free events will be taking place throughout the summer all across the country, with sessions to suit the whole family. There are Highland Spring Mini Tennis sessions, family time, free play, Cardio Tennis and numerous other kinds of activities to get involved in.
They will provide rackets and balls, so whether you’ve never picked up a racket before or you’re a seasoned regular there is fun for all! Weekends will take place throughout the summer, but will mainly be between 16th-17th July.
We have already booked our family session which we are really looking forward to. You can also book a session at your local tennis club and it’s completely free. If you would like to sign up for your free session, you can sign up HERE to find a session near you.
Do you like tennis? Do you play regularly or occasionally? Have you had lessons in the past? Have you heard of The Great British Tennis Weekend #GBTW? Will you be taking up the offer of free sessions for you and your family? What do you think of this idea? Please leave a comment below as I would love to read what you think.
*Disclosure: I’m working with the Lawn Tennis Association on their #GBTW campaign. Sign up for your FREE tennis activity here
Thanks for stopping by,
Love you all ❤️
Franca 💋
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Carol cameleon says
Like you, i LOVE tennis! And like to play, though not to an level by any stretch of the imagination! I havent picked up a racket in years. Murray is now 2016 champion though 🙂 thanks for hosting #kcacols
Lucy at occupation: (m)other says
Oh I’ll definitely look this up – my son loves tennis in his own way! I was considering some lessons but a taster is a great way of seeing if it is really something he likes or is at the right stage for. Lovely post Franca – your enthusiasm is just lovely and that pic of you as a six year old is so sweet! Happy ending to Wimbledon…hope you enjoyed the final weekend! #KCACOLS
Alex says
How cute is that photo of you! I wish I played tennis more at school. I was on the netball and rounders teams but they never pushed tennis. I still love watching Wimbledon though x #GBTW
Dr Mummykins says
HUGE tennis fan over here! Was president of my uni Tennis team & ladies captain of all the London medical schools too! My uni life was all tennis!! I adore Wimbledon and have been many times.
A patient of mine made an excellent point last week… She told me that every year she takes the Wimbledon weeks off as annual leave!
What a brilliant idea! Even though she does not always go and watch it in person, I think that I might start doing the same….
mainy - myrealfairy says
I have not played for years and years but would love the boys to get into it. I’ve just had a look at the link and see that there is one near us so I hope to sign them up for the free taster:) thanks!
Jenni - Odd Socks and Lollipops says
Look like lots of fun ! My brother and I used to play tennis when we were younger and it was always so much fun. #KCACOLS
Mummy and the mexicans says
I used to play tennis at secondary school, it was fun, although I was rubbish at it. I remember how everyone went tennis-crazy for two weeks every year and we always used to watch Wimbledon. I haven’t played tennis or watched Wimbledon for years. I like the idea of free tennis for all the family, such a great way to get into the sport. #KCACOLS
Tracey Bowden says
I like watching tennis and Olivia loves playing it. I have actually been looking at getting her into a tennis club as my sisters partner is wanting to get a membership and would take her #kcacols
Kathy @ Hopes, Dreams and Chocolate says
Ahh Great post. I love tennis too (although I don’t play and was always rubbish when younger!). How fab that Andy has won again!! I think it is a shame that so many great sports, including tennis, are difficult to try out and pursue due to expense. So the campaign you are working on is a great idea. I hadn’t heard of it before so thank you for sharing this! Great pics as well 🙂 Kathy xx #KCACOLS