I recently told you about my goals for 2016 and of those, the first goal for this year is losing weight. In order to achieve this I’m now testing the Slimpod Gold Program from Thinking Slimmer which is a 12 week program.
I have been following this programme every day (well, most of the days as there were days that I forgot) but I have been trying to be consistent with my listening. I have also been writing down things that are happening to me since I started listening to the pod. I was a little bit apprehensive about this program at the beginning as it sounds too easy to be true as you are not following a specific diet to actually lose weight but instead listening to a recording. The interesting part of this pod is that it goes straight to your unconsciousness. When you listen, which is for about 9 minutes every day, all the information is provided and it helps you to later choose healthier options meaning that without realising it, you start losing weight because of this change in the way you think.
I’m not going to tell you that you magically stop thinking about foods that are bad for you but it definitely helps you to choose a healthier meal. Anyway, enough with all of this and lets go straight to the facts. These are all the effects that I have been feeling since I have started listening this pod:
- Drinking more water: this is something really interesting as I wasn’t drinking enough water lately. I had gotten into a horrible habit of just not choosing water as my first option for a drink. This was really bothering me for a while as I know how important it is to drink lots of water. This happened to me the next day after listening to the pod for the first time. I thought it was strange to get that effect so quickly but since then I am only drinking water at home. If I’m out and about I order a juice, always with water aside.
- Stop drinking diet coke: this goes along with the previous fact. I have been having for a long time one can of decaf diet coke. I only had just one but then it has been increasing to 2 or even 3 per day lately which was of course really bad and it was not just the decaf diet cole but the diet coke, so even worse. This happened to me the same day as with the water. I stopped having a can of coke together with my meals for good. I haven’t had coke since the day after I started listening to the pod for the first time. For me this is just amazing as coke is just so bad for you.
- Less snacking: I was so pleased when I stopped having lots of snacks every day. Now I have reduced it to one at mid morning and another one at mid afternoon. I’m very happy with this as if you are not careful you can really snack all day long.
- No more chocolates: I literally haven’t had any chocolate since I’m doing this. It is so strange but I don’t even think about it.
- Pudding: I failed with this a little bit because we went to a birthday party and I had cake, 🙁 I know!! What a shame but it was just so good to say no. lol
- Fruit Smoothies: I used to do this a lot before I was pregnant with Sienna but then I stopped. Last week, it was just so weird. I just kind of fancied it and prepared my first smoothie and I loved it. A very simple one: banana, strawberries and orange juice. All fresh. No sugar added. So now I’m doing this at least every other day if possible. It fills me and makes a good mid morning snack.
- More Active: the Slimpod Gold Program also comes with a Fitpod that motivates you to be more active. This was also part of my goals for 2016 . I really want to be more active as it would definitely help me on my journey to lose weight. Things have kind of happened in a way that have helped me to be able to be more active as I have been picking Bella up from school since the new term started (previously someone from school who lived nearby did this but they are no longer able to). The interesting thing here is before I would’ve chosen to use the car as I would’ve been too lazy to walk but this time I had some strength and will power that seemed to naturally push me to walk to the school with Sienna in the pushchair. I have been doing this all the time now and it feels great although it is damn freezing out there at the moment!!
- Eating out: on Sunday we went out for lunch with the girls. I was actually very hungry as we left late so it was about 1:30 pm when we ate. I’d also had breakfast very early so was I was really ready to eat. When we arrived, we asked for the menu which had lots of yummy options but for some reason I ordered meat with veggies and a little bit of smashed potato. The meal was very nice and tasty but it was a big surprise to myself when I didn’t feel to finish the whole plate. It was a big portion but in another moment I would’ve eaten everything.
- Thinking about Food: food is not one of my priorities anymore. I honestly can be hours without thinking that I’m hungry. I even check the time sometimes and I’m surprised that its lunchtime or dinner time already. This is great because the day passes quicker and I’m not eating all day.
- Used train instead of the car: I’m normally very lazy sometimes and if you ask me to choose between the car or walk and use the public transport I will say no, I’ll drive. This is the lazy answer right? Well the other day I had to take Bella to the hospital for an appointment and we would’ve normally gone in the car but I decided I would use the overground this time. It was nice to choose the more active option instead of driving.
When I started this programme I signed a contract to myself and I wrote down 3 goals that I would like to achieve by the end of the 12 weeks. These 3 goals are:
- Drop one UK size. I’m now using size 12 and I would like to return to size 10.
- Do 4 laps around the park. I haven’t started this yet, but I will do when Sienna is properly settled at nursery.
- Be healthier. I would definitely like to choose healthier options.
I’m planning to check my weight every Sunday if I can. I did this last Sunday and apparently I have lost 600 grams. I know it is not a lot but I would rather see the numbers stay or go down rather than go up, so that for me is great!
Well this is all I can say about my first update. I can say it looks good so far. Let’s hope it keeps that way.
Have you heard of the Slimpods from Thinking Slimmer? What do you think about them? Do you think this is something that you would try? What do you think about my first Progress Update? Leave me a comment below as I’m very curious to read what your thoughts are.
*Disclaimer: I received the Slimpod Gold program to try for the period of 12 weeks but everything else is my truly honest opinion. There are included some affiliates links.
Thanks for stopping by,
Love you all ❤️
Franca 💋
Emma Jones says
I’ve never heard of slimpods and will be very interested in your progress. Sounds like you are making healthier choices already. We’ll done you. I really need to get back on the healthy wagon but I find it so hard in winter. #kcacols lifeinthemumslane
Amanda says
Sounds like you are doing really well already. I said last week, I am interested in how and if these work, so I will keep an eye on your progress. If you don’t think about food as much, or chocolate!! then they seem to be doing great already. Good luck for this week.
Amanda. #kcacols
Claire at Tin Box Traveller says
This is fantastic – what a great start. I don’t drink enough water and I definitely drink too much Diet Coke. It sounds like the pod is slowly changing your relationship with food and that’s the key to long term weight loss. Keep up the good work! #KCACOLS
Nicole says
You seem to be getting some great results already just one week in! I think it’s fantastic that you’re already making healthier choices, drinking more water etc. I’m looking forward to following along on your journey with this. #KCACOLS
Someone's Mum says
I also drink far too much diet coke and never drink water – when I know I should. It would be great if this kind of thing actually worked as I have such a problem with food – I know my issue is psychological. I admit I am still a bit skeptical so will keep reading with interest. I am just wondering how your thoughts change? I think about food all the time and can’t imagine a world where I wouldn’t! DO you literally just not have those thoughts or you have them and then dismiss them?! #KCACOLS
Lucy at occupation: (m)other says
I haven’t heard of these but the changes so far that you’ve been inspired to make (whether as a direct result of them or not) sound fantastic…really sensible, liveable ones. Good luck for the rest of it. You’ve also made me really crave some fruit now, that smoothie sounds yummy. #KCACOLS
Emma T says
I love the idea of these and these seem to work for everyone…except me. I’ve tried them 3 times and didn’t manage to lose any weight with them, and found myself more hungry. But I’m definitely the anomaly #thelist
becca farrelly says
Interesting, I haven’t heard of slimpod and I’m always a but sceptical about these types of things but if it works, great!! I will be interested to hear how you get on as you make your way through the programme. Good Luck! 🙂
Laura says
I’ve never heard of this before but I’ll be checking it out. Sounds really interesting 🙂 Good luck with it! #kcacols
Wow honey you are doing amazing! I can’t imagine giving up chocolate I’ve been useless since having my baby! Your post has given me some major inspiration though – I am going to start taking my keep fitness a lot more seriously! xxx #KCACOLS
Rachel (Lifeathomewithmrsb) says
You seem mentally on task with your new regime which is great! I personally couldn’t give up chocolate completely although i do need to cut down how much of it i actually eat. Good luck with your goals xx #KCACOLS
Silly Mummy says
I have heard of this kind of thing – I suppose it is supposed to operate on the subliminal messaging principles. I’ve never tried it & I have to admit I tend to be a sceptic (but on the other hand I know subliminal messaging is actually really effective in other areas). I’ll be really interested to know if this actually does work! How great if it does! #KCACOLS
Helen says
Well done! Sounds like you’re doing really well. Cutting snacks and sugary drinks was a winner for me. You’ll hit your goal before you know it xx #KCACOLS
Nicky Kentisbeer says
This is really interesting. In answer to your question, I hadn’t heard of the Slimpods. I am nodding along though to a lot of what you are saying because I am also following a diet. I’m doing the old Weightwatchers with a nod towards the points system. I whole heartedly agree that it’s a lot to do with how you think about food. I have really made myself stop eating when I’m full, so totally identify with you talking about leaving food on the plate. Carbs are out and vegetables are in big time – I have noticed that I’ve felt better for doing so. Likewise on the days where I’ve been tempted to over indulge, I’ve actually felt sluggish. Again, it all comes down to habit. Water, I’m the world’s worst, I just cannot drink it. It sounds as though this is really successful for you and brilliant news with the dress size. Well done. #KCACOLS
Trista, Domesticated Momster says
Try adding flax seed or chia seeds to your smoothies. They are full of great nutrients and will make you feel fuller longer. I put a mixture of both in my smoothies in the morning before I hit the gym and they keep me full all the way to lunch. Even after working out. Sounds like you are on the right track though! Good for you! Thanks for hostessing the fab #KCACOLS. Trista
My Petit Canard says
Franca, this is fantastic! Well done you. Its great to hear that this is working for you. You are making so many good lifestyle changes, its great! I cant wait to read your next update and hear how it is going. You will be a skinny minnie before you know it 😉 Emily #KCACOLS
tracey bowden says
I have a chocpod I won and I swear by it! I can always tell if I have forgotten to listen to it as my will power to resist just crumbles but when I have remembered (most days) I hardly think about chocolate at all. Great update I look forward to seeing how you got on #KCACOLS
You Baby Me Mummy says
It sounds like you are doing really well huni. Well done for not having any chocolate 🙂 Thanks for linking up to #TheList x
Angela at Daysinbed says
Well done Franca. Your doing really great. We all slip up ie.. the birthday cake..but its great you didn’t eat sweet treats every day! I agree lots of water is so important and Im really not good at that and its one thing I need to get better at doing. Good luck with all your efforts and getting down to your dream size. Angela x #KCAKOLS
Trista, Domesticated Momster says
Visiting this time around from #momsterslink! Hope you are still doing great! Trista
Lizzie says
A really positive update, well done! I really need to start drinking more water, I choose tea every time, it’s terrible! I don’t blame you for tucking into some cake, it was a birthday afterall. You’re doing a fab job, keep up the good work my lovely and I look forward to the next update x
New Mummy Blog says
This sounds so interesting and WELL DONE! It sounds like you’re making lots of fab changes, no diet cola and drinking water (something I agree with, I always feel terrible when I realise I haven’t drunk any). I don’t know how you’ve not eaten chocolate though, I’d struggle majorly with that!!! I did go off it when pregnant though hahaha #KCACOLS
Sarah HP says
This is very intriguing – it kind of sounds too good to be true but it seems like it is working. I was researching hypnotherapy yesterday (for another reason) and this makes me think that it really could work. Look forward to reading further posts as you progress #KCACOLS
Harry's Honest Mummy says
I’ve never heard of it before but it doesn’t sound a bad idea. I have invested in a Nutribullet, a Fitbit and a gym subscription. I have been taking juices to work and all my colleagues have started doing the same so we are swapping recipes on a daily basis. Like you I don’t drink enough water, but I don’t think I am going to actually manage to change this fact. Some things you just have to accept. I do find that if I have a restless night sleep/interrupted night sleep then my need for snacks increases the next day. Hopefully as he gets older that scenario will be no more. I love the info the fitbit gives me in relation to my H/R and how many steps I have taken. I actually did 2k more steps than my target one day and still hadn’t covered the 5 miles target. Proved something my husband has pointed out for years about how small my steps are! 🙂 Good luck with the weight loss. #KCACOLS
Amanda says
I wonder how this programme helped in the long term and if you managed to stick to the new habits you built in the 12 weeks?