5 Terrific Tips For A Bonzer 2021 Trip Down Under

It’s reasonably safe to say that with the current health crisis, you’re probably not planning a dream holiday any time soon. That said, provided you’re hale and hearty, planning an extended trip for next year is a fantastic distraction and, when it comes to fruition, an awesome way to reunite with friends and family in order to celebrate the return of some sort of normality.

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And where better to host a post-lockdown fantasy vacay than Australia? With its embarrassment of natural riches, beautiful climate and inclusive culture, it’s one of the world’s tourism hotspots.

To help you get started, we’ve spent an inordinate amount of time trawling the internet to find you five terrific tips for a bonzer 2021 trip down under – you’re welcome!

1. Eungella National Park

Alright, Eungella National Park probably isn’t the first name that springs to mind when you think of Australian attractions.

But this quaint Queensland park is quite the discovery, with wildlife like platypus, skink and gecko all on display amidst mystic mountains, creeks, cliffs and cascading waterfalls.

2. Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef is one of the wonders of the natural world. Also located in Queensland, this is probably the best place in the world to scuba dive in serenity and get up close and personal with fantastic fish.

It actually comprises 2900 individual reefs and 900 islands across 344,400 square kilometres – so there are plenty of places to make a splash!

3. Uluru

Formerly known as Ayers Rock, Uluru is a beautiful bread loaf mountain bang in the middle of Australia’s red centre and it’s a spiritual beacon of Aboriginal culture that’s recognised across the globe.

It’s now considered disrespectful to climb this sacred mountain, but it’s one of the best places on the planet to watch the sunset with a cool cocktail.

4. Sydney

If you’re yearning for a city that offers an eclectic mix of activities to suit every taste, Sydney fits the bill superbly.

It’s a bustling modern metropolis with lively bars and restaurants in The Rocks area, and iconic tourist attractions like the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. Want a bird’s eye view of the city skyline? Brave a Bridge Climb and gaze in awe at one of the world’s most magical views – find details at bridgeclimb.com.

5. Melbourne

Melbourne is the state capital of Victoria in south-eastern Australia and it’s one of the most sophisticated and stunning cities Down Under.

Hire a car and you’ll enjoy dramatic cliffside views driving down the Great Ocean Road, pop into the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) to see exhibitions from the likes of Andy Warhol and Van Gogh, or take in a grand opera at the State Theatre – the choice is yours.

Getting there and getting around

Spending an extended sabbatical Down Under? Hire a car from vroomvroomvroom.com.au and, if you’re city-hopping, Looking4.com has airport parking for everywhere from Mackay to Melbourne and beyond.

Hopefully, these five tips for a 2021 trip Down Under have whetted your appetite for an antipodean adventure next year!

Have you been to Australia before?

*Disclosure: Collaborative Post

Thanks for stopping by,

Love you all ❤️

Franca  💋

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23 thoughts on “5 Terrific Tips For A Bonzer 2021 Trip Down Under”

  1. I’ve never been to Australia but would love to go one day, especially after reading your blog post.

  2. It will be so lovely when we can travel again. We were supposed to be in Spain right now. Scuba diving on Great Barrier Reef and visiting Australia is definitely on my Travel Bucket List! #KCACOLS

    • Yes! I cannot wait when we can travel freely again. Now we can only dream for 2021 right! X

  3. I live here. ha! It’s currently banned for us to go to QLD and WA due to border lockdowns for the virus – my state had the most cases and we didn’t shut our borders but no one wants us to come…understandable really. It’s now illegal to climb Uluru (nad the rednecks really kicked a fit about that, all racing to go and climb it before the law kicked in). Until 2021 there is a light instalation with a field of light (looks like wild flowers). Hoping once the planes get going we can see that. I would also recommend Whales Sharks in Ningaloo, white beaches in Esperance and I’m hoping to get to Tasmania for Art and Southern Lights at some point this year. #KCACOLS

  4. I love Australia and lived there for a year in my 20’s, I can’t wait to take the kids one day. I would really recommended checking out Frazer Island and Cape Tribulation. Amazing country. #KCACOLS

  5. Oh what a lovely post – I’d love to visit Australia! Hard to imagine with everything going on at the moment, but you’re right – it would be a lovely distraction! #kcacols

  6. I am Australian, so naturally I think everyone should visit our beautiful country. If you make it to this part of the world, make sure you add Western Australia to your itinerary. I have shared some blog posts on my favorite places including Margaret River (wine region) and Rottnest Island. #KCACOLS

  7. I could be the happiest person if I would get the opportunity to visit Australia. But also a little bit afraid about all those creatures who can come to your house without an invitation #KCACOLS

  8. Looks incredible. Didn’t realise that Ayers Rock was now named Uluru. That must’ve completely passed me by! Nice to see Australia’s Aboriginal culture being recognised. #KCACOLS

  9. Great places in Australia. I’d love to do a massive road trip there for a year.
    So much to see #kcacols

  10. I would love to visit Australia and New Zealand. There are so many things to see and do it looks like an amazing place for a holiday #kcacols

  11. I love Australia and definitely plan to go with the kids one day. We booked a trip of a lifetime to Florida next year before we knew about Covid! If we can go the question is, will it be worth it?


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