I recently mentioned in a post that I want to start eating healthy and I desperately need to lose weight. I think things have come to the point that I have no more trousers to wear because they don’t fit me anymore. It is really disappointing and I am getting so frustrated about it. I keep telling myself that I need to get back on track with healthy habits and be fit again. But I keep failing and it is just killing me because I’m not a failure and I must do something ASAP.
This will probably sound silly to you but in the past couple of months we had 2 mirrors in our home broken by my little monkeys. So it is not just that I am feeling that I must be having 7 years of bad luck x 2! (Not sure if you are superstitious or not but silly as it sounds sometimes I am!) but also that I’m left at home with no mirrors to look at myself so now I have no clue how I look! This is really affecting me because I can’t track myself if I can’t even see myself in the mirror!
Today I went shopping because I needed bigger trousers so I can survive for a few months until I can fit back into my usual trousers. I went to H&M and tried their whole range of jeans and OMG they were all awful on me! I looked at myself in the mirror of the dressing room and I was in shock at seeing myself that big. This is the first time that I have properly seen myself since my mirrors were broken and I must admit that I am scared. If you have not met me before, you won’t know that I am short so gaining weight wouldn’t help as I would look huge plus I really have a proper latin shape (the pear shape) so all the curves are from my waist down. It is just so hard to find the perfect pair of trousers. I actually think it is a nice body shape but if you don’t know how to keep it, then it could be a disaster for you.
I was a healthy size 10 here
When I was living in Peru I never used to gain weight that much. I was healthy and fit. I used to go to the gym sometimes even twice a day. I got obsessed with spinning and loved the idea of losing so many calories exercising like that. I guess also living in a country where the summer really comes when it is supposed to come and you live near the beach means that you take even more care of yourself as you don’t want to not be able to fit in your bikini anymore. So since I moved to the UK this has been a struggle as I have hardly had a proper summer. You never know here what the weather is going to be like. The first years that I was in the UK, I used to travel to Peru once a year during the summer (winter time in the UK) so I was able to keep enjoying the summer in a way. But since having my daughter’s things are not the same and we can’t travel that often to Peru, so we have missed that extra enjoyment of summer and I really miss it!
Anyway, the reason I’m telling you all of this is because I’m now determined to do something about it and to try to beat the horrible feeling that I have at the moment. I don’t want to feel like this anymore and I want to change it. One of the first things that I have been doing as part of making an effort to walk more and drive less is to eat a healthy meal every day. I have recently been introduced to Fit Kitchen which is a healthy meal choice developed by nutritionist Sharmain Davis and Professional MasterChef winner Ash Mair.
Fit Kitchen has created a range of delicious readymade meals, fulfilling the growing consumer demand for intrinsically healthy, convenient products. The team has created a range ‘truly’ healthy with Fit Kitchen; rather than just a calorie deficit and bland tasting meal with no nutritional values.
Kung Pao Chicken with Zesty Sauce
Malaysian Chicken
Middle Eastern Chicken
Pad Thai Chicken with Zesty Sauce
The initial range consists of four modern cuisines, all high in protein, vitamin and fibre content, but remain low in calories (under 300 calories) and saturated fat. Each meal also contributes to three of your five a day. There are 4 different meals available at the moment: Kung Pao Chicken with Zesty Sauce, Malaysian Chicken, Middle Eastern Chicken and Pad Thai Chicken with Zesty Sauce.
Each meal comes in a microwavable container, there’s some pre-cooked pieces of chicken, a mix of fresh vegetables and a sachet containing a unique sauce. You need to open the sachet and pour it all over the meal. You put the lid back leaving enough room to let the steam come out and then you just need to put it in the microwave for 4 minutes and voila it is ready. It is quick and easy.
I was a little bit worried about trying these flavours as I’m not very good with spicy food but I was surprised to find out that they were not spicy at all. They had a lot of flavours. My favourite from all of them was the Malaysian meal. It was really good. It was nice to see different flavours with an oriental influence in the market. It is for sure a different alternative and I’m sure one that you will love it.
Fit Kitchen at Sainsbury’s
Fit Kitchen is available in Sainsbury’s and Waitrose within their chilled section and cost £3.80 per meal. Next time you are in one of these supermarkets go and give them a try. If you do, please let me know what you think! 🙂
Are you trying to eat healthily? What do you do to keep healthy and fit? Have you heard of Fit Kitchen before? Do you like oriental flavours?
If you enjoyed this post, save it for later on your Pinterest 🙂
*Disclosure: Collaborative post
Thanks for stopping by,
Love you all ❤️
Franca 💋
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Those meals look so yummy!! #KCACOLS
I’m adopting the French attitude to eating, It’s a combination of being able to eat what you want but with restraint. Portion sizes matter, and snacking between meals is a big no no. Oh, and having three good meals a day. Couple that with lots of walking and running after kids and a dog. Seems to be working! #KCACOLS
It’s so much harder as we get older, isn’t it? I need to make a much bigger effort too. I’ve never come across Fit Kitchen before but I like the sound of the flavours. #kcacols
I try to maintain a steady weight – but it doesn’t always happen! I find exercise really does help me though #kcacols
I feel just like you Franca. I know I need to do something but I want it to be uncomplicated. These meals soundalike a great solution. Our closest supermarket is Sainsbury so I’ll see if it stocks these #KCACOLS
I’ve been a bit the same Franca. No excuse for me though as we have plenty of mirrors. I rather like the sound of these meals as it makes it easy. The last thing you want to do when you’re cutting down is spending ages preparing food. If you have something you can eat easily, I think its half the battle. Good luck #KCACOLS
With my return to work looming I’m on the look out of quick and healthy dinner alternatives. These look perfect! Thanks for the inspiration #KCACOLS
I am a classic pear shape too Franca. Before i fell pregnant with Arthur i did the Dukan diet and totally cut out ALL forms of sugar (even fruit) and ate just lean protein and veg and I lost over a stone and a half in 3 months and my skin was the clearest it has ever been. I have never managed to get back on the healthy eating wagon but not im pregnant again I am really conscious of the fact that i need to start making a bit more of an effort. good luck to you #kcacols
I’m so sorry to read you are struggling lovely. Though I’ve also seen how determinant you can be so I’m sure you’ll feel and look fit and healthy very soon. These meals look great. I could really do with something like this as I don’t feel I eat that healthily and it’s affecting my mood. #KCACOLS
I’ll admit I’m not the healthiest of eaters and now that I’m pregnant I’m feeling horrendously guilty for my poor choices. But exhaustion and hunger tend to take over #kcacols
Franca, you look amazing but I completely understand the feeling of not being happy with your body. I live in a sunny country anad am dreading the summer for the first time ever. I am beyond exhausted in the evening and find my motivation to do anything is non exsisitent. the meals look really good and are a great way of eating well at least once a day x #KCACOLS
I like the sound of Fit Kitchen! I struggle too, it’s hard when you don’t have a lot of time and just grab what you can! #KCACOLS
I feel exactly the same! Whilst being pregnant with my youngest (now 7 months) I put on around 4 stone! I’ve lost two just from giving birth and in the first few weeks but I hate myself. Around 8 weeks after her was born I booked myself and my family to do a mud run, I knew I’d put on weight but I didn’t quite realise just how bad I looked until I saw the pictures of me standing next to them all. It was embarrassing and so so upsetting.
I have the same shape as you, I’m all hips, thighs and a vey big booty which I really like but now rather than being firm and toned they’re all like jelly and look awful. I’m only 5 ft 4 too so i look even bigger (thanks to some very honest male friends for letting me know haha)
I’ve been cutting back on my eating and last week I lost 5 lbs so yay!! That’s half a stone this year down, now for the other 3 and a half #KCACOLS
I have been trying to eat more healthily but it isn’t always easy. We do generally have a diet which is at least 80% good stuff but I like cake! And sometimes cooking is not something I have energy for. Something like this would be better than ringing the Chinese shop! #KCACOLS
Oh wow..these sound so much nicer than your average microwave meal! I am feeling a bit miserable about the way I look lately too and I know I’m eating rubbish and not exercising enough. Need to sort it out! I think you look fabulous by the way xx #kcacols
Aww thank you lovely! You shouldn’t feel miserable at all! You have just have a gorgeous baby! And you look beautiful to me! 🙂 xx
I’m trying to get back into fitness. I used to be really fit and I want to improve my tone and lose a bit of weight. As I have kids alone all the time though, my options are limited. Trying HIIT workouts at home in evening. Should try eating healthier too. Good luck with yours! #KCACOLS
Ooh those look really nice and they’re not a bad price either! I need to work on eating healthier. You look lovely already!! Best of luck xx #KCACOLS
Oh thank you for sharing this. I’m gaining weight as well at the moment and I feel hard to keep up on eating healthy food due to being busy with everything, stress and emotions. #KCACOL
I saw these in the supermarket but was worried the taste wouldn’t be worth the cost but seeing them once cooked I must admit they do look much better than I thought! It’s nice to know there are healthy options that are actually healthy for those days when a ready meal is a must! Good luck with your getting fit journey #KCACOLS
Those meals look delicious. I am meant to be losing weight too. I have literally NO will power!! #KCACOLS