I have been registered with Glossybox since I was pregnant with Sienna. I found out about it through the internet and I thought it was a super cool idea and decided to subscribe to their service.
For those that haven’t heard of them before, I should better explain it in detail. So, what is Glossybox? This is a UK company that offers a subscription service for a monthly beauty box. The most recent box to arrive is the cutest box I have ever received which came perfectly wrapped containing the latest samples of different types of beauty products that are currently trending or that have just been launched for you to try! Isn’t this idea fantastic? As soon as I found out about it I knew straight away that I should subscribe ASAP! The whole idea of receiving a surprise box each month full of beauty products sounded like heaven to me, especially given the surprise factor so its a win win for me. I love unwrapping presents so this for me was like opening a new present every month! I know I sound like an excited child but to be honest with you, this is exactly how I feel: like a big kid opening an amazing box full of surprises! LOL.
They send you 5 different beauty products and sometimes they even include a 6th one, which I love when that happens! You can really find some gems where I have discovered a product for the first time and have ended up using it since having recieved in a Glossybox! The subscription costs £13.25 (including VAT and delivery) per month. They always have interesting offers for short or long term subscriptions. You can also do a one off purchase of a specific box that you fancy. You can check all their information here.
Anyway, enough of this explanation. Now let’s get straight to the point. I’ll now show you the box I received in July with all their products.
First off all, look at the design of this box! Isn’t it the cutest thing ever? I was literally in awe when I received it! What a beautiful box this is. I guess its not a surprise to tell you that I always keep the boxes as they are so practical to keep and organise your things in. They normally send pink boxes but on special ocassions, like at Christmas and Valentines, etc, they do a special design. This one for July is probably the one that I have loved the most! I’ll definitely use it for either some of my make up or for perfumes or toiletries, etc. Whatever, but I will definitely use it!! Lol.
This has a CRC6 moisturising complex, which hydrates the skin’s surface as well as the deeper layers, while a cocktail of antioxidants and anti-inflammatories protect the skin. You should apply a layer under your moisturiser.(This information is taken from Glossybox’s product details).
I have never used a serum base before so I’m very keen to give it a go. I hope it does something to my skin as I realised that I’m getting more wrinkles than I used to have before. Unfortunately this because I’m not far from reaching 40! Please go away and don’t let these 2 years ever pass!!!! 😉 Anyway, I’m very keen to give this product a go – let’s hope it works.
This is a rich and creamy balm which soothes and softens with antioxidants and vitamin E as well as protecting the lips from UV damage.(This information is taken from Glossybox’s product details).
I love good lip balms as I’m always having cracked lips. I have tried a little bit only and my first impressions are that it feels really nice and immediately your lips feel hydrated. It also has a nice taste, however I haven’t tried it long enough to know if I would definitely like it or not. I will continue to give it a go and see what happens.
This product has hyaluronic acid to plump and hydrate your skin, 10% of glycolic acid to help resurface your skin and calming ingredients to reduce irritation. It is recommended to use this product every other night. (This information is taken from Glossybox’s product details).
I haven’t tried a refiner before either so it will be interesting to know what the results will be on my skin after using it. I guess now that I’m getting older I’m realising that I need this type of products. This is definitely an expensive product so I’m expecting it to be good otherwise I wouldn’t consider buying it.
This product wasn’t listed on the Glossybox information leaflet which I found very strange but don’t get me wrong I’m not complaining at all as I actually love it! The smell is amazing and its perfect for evenings and special occasions. I think I will start using this alongside the Intimately Beckham for Her perfume that I mentioned in my July Favourites. If you haven’t seen/watched it already you can do here.
This travel pouch is an exclusive artwork by fashion illustrator Jamie Lee Reardin. It is so beautiful and I love travel pouches so I will be using it a lot I’m sure. Besides, this one is absolutely gorgeous!
From the 5 products, the ones that I love most are the perfume and the travel pouch. The rest I still need to try them properly and of course the box itself is so beautiful that I will use it to keep some things organised. Overall the July Glossybox has been a very cute beauty box.
What about you guys? Have you heard about this beauty box before? Have you subscribed with them? If yes, did you receive the July Box? Did you like? If you don’t know them, what do you think about this review? Did you like the box and the products? Will you subscribe?
Thanks for stopping by,
Love you all ❤️
Franca 💋
* Disclaimer: this product has been purchased by me and this is my honest review.
Oh I have seen a few people doing beauty of stationery subscriptions they are such a lovely idea 🙂 so nice to have a gorgeous surprise box every month. And that box design is stunning x
Yes this box is really beautiful!! It worth the subscription just for the box lol! It is really nice to receive a surprise beauty box every month!! Thanks Laura for commenting!! 🙂 x
Love the design on the glossy box!
Like the sound of the lip balm 🙂
The design of this box in particular is so pretty!! The lip balm is good so far but I’m still testing it. Thanks for stopping by, x
I have heard good and bad things about Glossybox. I am tempted to try them, but worry about paying for stuff that I won’t use. They do look nice though. I love that make up bag!
I know what you mean. There are some months that are better than other ones but the box itself is very nice and useful comparing to other beauty boxes in the market. The content varies of course. The travel pouch is very pretty!! Thanks for stopping by, xx
I have to say this box doesn’t wow me at all but I do love the travel pouch x
I know what you mean, but I’m more in love with the design of the box and the travel pouch with this one. Also the perfume smells really nice too! 😉 Thanks for stopping bye, x
I love the cute illustrations on the packaging. It looks like such a great box this month.
Thank you Jemma, xx