First of all I would like to say Happy New Year 2016!! I really hope that all of you lovely people had a great 2015 and I wish you a fantastic year 2016. I have never really written down a list of the goals that I would like to achieve in the new year before. This year I thought that it could be interesting to do this, which will help me to stay focused during the year and I will also be able to check back at the end of year to see if I have achieved any of my goals.
I would like to do a list of my personal goals first and then I would like to do a list of my blogging goals. I have been blogging since May last year so I didn’t have the chance to do my goals last year so this is a first for 2016.
Personal Goals:
1. Losing Weight: this is so ironic as before I was pregnant with Sienna I lost 13 kilos trying to be in perfect condition to conceive. During the whole pregnancy I had a perfect healthy weight, which I never went over. The first 3 months after giving birth I lost very quickly the baby weight but then I don’t know why or what happened but I slowly started to gain weight and it has been that way until now so I have stupidily gained back all the 13 kilos that I had lost previously. This really annoys me as I kept a good healthy weight for a while. This year I want to definitely get back to my pre pregnancy weight and start feeling myself again.
2. Do more exercise: I was also walking a lot and doing about 4 laps around the park. I stopped this half way through my pregnancy and I haven’t had the time or the energy to go back to it, so this year I would like to do this again. Sienna is starting nursery in February which is located inside the park so I’m planning to take her to the nursery walking and then do my 4 laps. I’ll also do another walk when I pick her up. I have to admit that I have been guilty of my own comfort and laziness as I was picking up Bella from school in the car when her school is just walking distance from us although the problem is also that the weather in this country is not very helpful as there are much more rainy days than dry days. This time I will do my best to stick to the walking.
3. Organise my chores: I need to have a plan of my chores for the week. Each day I should be doing one different thing during certain hours.
4. As soon as I wake up, get a a shower and change: this is something that I would like to do every day as I need to get advantage of when Nick is still at home in the morning as as soon as he leaves I have Sienna with me all the time and I can’t do this until I put her to sleep for her nap so I can gain time doing this.
5. Do a couple of family holidays: I hope we can get away for at least a couple of times this year and enjoy some quality time together as a family.
6. Other Goals: It would be nice to change our car and move to a bigger house if possible. We’re not sure at this stage as there is a lot to work out and consider so I’m putting these under ‘Other Goals’ for now.
Blogging Goals
1. Earn from my blog: I would love to be able to have my blog as my main way of income. At the moment I’m starting to get some sponsored posts and other paid opportunities so I would like to improve that even more.
2. Grow my social media reach: At the moment I have a social media reach of almost 9k which is good after blogging for 7 months. This is combining twitter, facebook, instagram, pinterest, youtube, bloglovin and email subscriptions. My strongest social media is twitter with more than 4k followers, then instagram and facebook with more than 1k followers each. My Youtube is doing well with more than 800 followers. I would love if I can double the amount of all my social media combined by the end of this year. It feels like a tough challenge. Fingers crossed it goes well.
3. Improve my stats: At the moment my monthly views are more than 9k and I have more than 3k users. I would love to double this to about 18k per month. Will this be unrealistic? I guess I will only know at the end of the year. My Klout is 70 at the moment but fluctuates between 68 and 70. I would love to get more than 70 if possible. My DA at the moment is 28 and I really would like to have it above 30 if possible. I hope I can manage to achieve this.
4. Be more organised: this is something that I really need to crack as without having things organised I won’t be able to succeed. I need to get a weekly plan.
5. Get my blog income and expenses in order: I want to earn a living from my blog so I guess at some point I will need to get this sorted so I’m preparing a spreadsheet to get everything that I have done organised.
6. Grow my linky: for those who don’t know I run a linky calls #KCACOLS (Keep Calm and Carry On Linking Sundays) which it has been on for about 8 weeks. It is my first linky and I have been so grateful to have lovely people who want to join in and also come back every week. I love that this is now becoming a little community. I would like to grow this more.
7. Join more linkies: I would like to set aside some time to join other linkies more. It is not easy for me at the moment having my own linky but at least I would like to stick with 3 per week if possible. The ideal scenario will be to join one linky per day. I would try to do that.
8. Guest posts: I would like to do this both ways. I mean I would like to have guest posts in somebody else’s blog and I would like to have guest posts in my blog. I would need to do some thinking about having a series theme for that.
9. GET A BALANCE LIFE: this is the most important goal as it combines everything (personal and blogging goals). I really want to get some time off blogging during the year to relax and recharge batteries. I have recently published a post about Time to Disconnect and I’m seriously thinking that I need to disconnect more often this year.
So these are my goals for this year. Let’s see how it goes. Fingers crossed it turns out a good year. Wish me luck! 😉
Have you done a list of goals for this year? If yes what are your goals for 2016? Please leave a comment as I would love to read what your goals are.
Thanks for stopping by,
Love you all ❤️
Franca 💋
Angela at Daysinbed says
Fab goals Franca. I love reading blog goals and think you have some great ones. I plan to join your linky each week and am looking forward to watching you grow. 🙂 Angela
mummyofboygirltwins says
Great goals! Mine are very similar. Personally we also want a holiday and I want to keep fit and healthy. Work-wise I am also developing my blog and freelance writing and thoroughly enjoying it 🙂 Good luck and heres to a fab 2016! xx
Maria @ Suburban Mum says
You sound very focused and its a great set of goals here. You have done amazingly well with #KCACOLS and may it continue well into 2016. You should be very proud! xx
Donna says
This all sounds so achievable! I can’t wait to see how you get on x
Emma Jones says
Definitely with you on the exercise front. Last year I started running & loved it but gave up around June/July and my fitness is now awful. Your stats are amazing for 7 months blogging. I’m hoping to grow & improve this year too. #kcacols lifeinthemumslane
amomentwithfranca says
I hope I can keep this goal all year as it is a hard one! Thank you re the stats! It has been a very intense 7 months though! I’m sure you can grow & improve even more!! Thanks for commenting lovely! 🙂 xx
New Mummy Blog says
Fab goals mrs! I think your goals are a perfect balance of ‘should be able to tick them off easily’ and having a good incentive and ambition. Your stats are really fab, and well done on doing it all in only 7 months! I was actually going to email you next week about my guest post series…. I’ll fill you in then.
Thanks for hosting again x #kcacols
amomentwithfranca says
Aww thank you lovely!! I hope I can tick them all by the end of the Year! Fingers crossed!! Yes email me about the guest post series!! I really need to do this more!! You are welcome! Thanks for commenting lovely! 🙂 x
Becky at PinksCharming says
Wow you have set yourself quite a challenge there Franca! If you even get ten percent of those done you will deserve a medal 🙂 I am sure you will though, you have so much determination. Good luck, I look forward to seeing how you do. Becky x #kcacols
amomentwithfranca says
Aww thank you Becky!! I hope I can manage that!! But let’see so many things can happen within the year! Fingers crossed! Thanks for commenting lovely! 🙂 x
sarah haig says
There is some great goals here. I still haven’t at down and written my 2016 goals/resolutions! I really like to figure out how to break down my goals into monthly actions so I can keep taking steps in the right direction. Good luck for 2016! #KCAKOL
amomentwithfranca says
Thank you Sarah! Let’s hope I can manage them all!! Thanks for commenting! 🙂 xx
My Petit Canard says
This is a great list of goals for 2016. Its great that you have a good balance between your personal and blogging goals. I am seriously impressed, theres a lot on there and some very ambitious ones too, but I am sure very realistic and achievable for you :-). Good luck with them, I cant wait to hear how they go throughout the year! Emily #KCACOLS
amomentwithfranca says
Thank you Emily!! I know there are some very ambituous but let’s see how it goes. I think it is good to have them as a goal so I can keep myself on track during the whole year! Fingers crossed!! Thanks for commenting lovely lady! 🙂 xx
Angela at Daysinbed says
Stopping by again. I just reread your goals and they are inspiring and its amazing how similar our goals are. Angela
amomentwithfranca says
Thank you for stopping by lovely!! Let’s hope for our goals to be achieved by the end of the year!! 🙂 xx
Jessica Powell (Babi a Fi) says
Good luck with your goals! My big one this year is to lose weight – I lost the baby weight, then put it all back on plus a load more last year. I want to keep growing my blog too. 🙂 #KCACOLS
amomentwithfranca says
Thank you! I know what you mean about the weight! How annoying is that!! I hope we can both manage to loose that weight!! Thanks for commenting lovely! 🙂 x
Laura's Lovely Blog says
Good luck with your goals Franca. Some of ours are very similar and I look forward to watching your blog grow. I also want to lose weight and exercise more and also aware of needing to disconnect more and get the balance right. It’s been a pleasure getting to know you in 2015, here’s to more successes in 2016 🙂 #kcacols
Crummy Mummy says
I got on the scales and realised a whole stone has crept on in the last year – my resolution is to get back to my old self too! #KCACOLS
amomentwithfranca says
It is amazing how we can put weight so quickly and after Xmas and NY you normally gain even more!! Hope we both manage to loose weight! 🙂 x
life as mum says
Most of these goals are what I would like to achieve to. Good luck lovely
veronica lee says
I certainly could do with more exercise! I plan to cut down my online time and eat healthier.
Good luck with your goals!
I love love love this post! It’s actually really motivated me and I’m going to write my own goals for 2016 list! Like you I want to get fit (bloody C Section pouch to get rid of) and my blog is going to be a massive motivator too – I really want it to grow and expand . I love your blog it is one of my absolute favourites and I can’t wait to read more! Xxx #KCACOLS
Lynn says
Good Morning Franca, I completely identify with you on your blogging goals. My blog is about the ‘same age’ as yours and I find that my goals are very similar to yours. All the quantifiable for sure, but just the ‘organization’ of blogging is something I’m stills struggling with. I feel I waste too much time and I could be so much more productive, which would then help me reach those ‘quantifiable’. First time here to #KCACOLS and it sure does seem that you’re creating a lovely community.
Happy Sunday, Lynn
The Speed Bump says
Fab goals and I’m sure you will smash them all this year!! Looking forwards to reading more in 2016! x #KCACOLS
Sara at Handy Herbs says
You have done so well in the short time you have been blogging Franca! Good for you 🙂 I am sure you will achieve the goals you have set yourself for this year! I like the mix you have. Getting the balance between blogging and personal is quite tricky, isn’t it?! I am also certain many more people will start linking up with #KCACOLS this year – it will be great to watch it grow! I need to try and focus more on goals. I tend to be more of a ‘see what happens’ person but I am sure having goals would make me try harder to achieve things. #KCACOLS
Becky (@EducatingR) says
You’ve got some great and exciting goals for this year. I can relate on the weight loss. I lost 2 stone from Jan to May 2015 and when I weighed myself a week ago I’d put a stone and a half of that back on. I’ve rejoined slimming world and feeling motivated to get to target weight by April when we have a wedding to go to. Im so impressed that you’ve only been running your blog for 8 months! Its so professional! I worry that if i try to go pro it’ll seem more like “work” so I try to keep relaxed about it. It’s a hobby, after all. Thanks for hosting #KCACOLS and featuring me! xxxx
Helen says
A lovely mix of goals – some holidays and some organising! I totally agree with the one about showering and dressing as soon as you get up. Took me a long time to figure that one out! Good luck with your amazing stats too, clever lady x #KCACOLS
Jenny says
very similar to my goals, good luck with them, they’re definitely achievable! #KCACOLS
wendy says
Good luck with all of your goals! I’m sure if you start running laps again then goal 1 will be achieved easily. We have very similar blogging goals. I really need to work on my stats, I don’t even know what a DA is eep. I am sure KCACOLS will continue to grow, it’s full of lovely bloggers who are always so generous with comments and you are a great host. Good luck for 2016 🙂 #kcacols
amomentwithfranca says
Aww thank you lovely!! I love all the bloggers that are part of KCACOLS!! As you said they are so generous with comments like you lovely! 😉 I’ll definitely stick to to the laps. Not long now! Thanks for commenting! 🙂 x
Julie Downes says
Great list of goals and I’m sure you will achieve them with your determination! You’ve done amazing in just 7 months. I haven’t written any goals for the year yet but need to do one with all the usual ones like eat more healthily, grow my blog, get a holiday abroad booked ……! #KCACOLS
amomentwithfranca says
This is the first time that I’m doing this and I like it! It is nice to write all in one piece! I’m hoping that this will keep me focus during the year! Thanks for commenting lovely! 🙂 x
Mummy Lala (Laura) says
Fantastic goals Franca and I’m sure you’ll meet all of them. I’ve not set specific goals this year but if I did they’d be very similar ones to what you’ve written down.
Since our miscarriage a few weeks ago I’ve already lost 5lb and this has been through healthy eating as I’ve not wanted to eat any rubbish. I’ve also taken up more exercise and I just want to be more healthy for when we try and conceive again. I put on four stone whilst pregnant with Rowan and I’ve only just managed to lose half of it!
I can’t believe you’ve not been blogging for less than a year as your blog is brilliant.
Laura x #KCACOLS