Times of change are undoubtedly stressful. How can you keep yourself calm and feeling good during inevitable upheavals? You’ll be feeling a lot of emotions and probably not like yourself on top of everything else! Here are some tips you can use to stay on top of your own health, which is very important even when it seems like you have to be a constant service to others.
There’s a reason I used this word three times – this means preparing mentally, physically and emotionally. Practice positive visualisation to picture yourself in the future, loving life and finding happiness in your new, changed situation.
This also means talking about the upcoming change with the people in your life. Talk to your friends and family about everything you’re feeling, to get all of the emotions out of you. This is better than bottling things up, as they can erupt in unexpected ways.
To prepare physically, hope for the best but plan for the worst. This is a useful adage in general, but even more so when you’re facing big changes in your life, like getting an extension or having your garden completely re-designed for example.
Don’t abandon your routine completely if at all possible. Keep some regularity so you can stay grounded. If you usually go for a run twice a week, stay dedicated to that routine. It’s important not only for your health and sanity but also that of the people around you. They’ll appreciate you being on top form, even if it means taking some alone time.
If you ever feel overwhelmed by your changing circumstances, stop, breathe, drink some water and eat a piece of fruit. Take care of yourself first before caring for others – there’s a reason flight attendants advise us to put life masks over our own mouths before helping others! You can’t offer your best self when you’re not taking care of your most important needs.
It’s totally fine to ask for help. So long as you’re reasonable and also willing to do favours for people, they will be happy to assist you. Think about the time and effort required for someone to help you and try to repay them in kind. No-one likes feeling exploited.
For instance, if your friends are helping you move house, take them out to a nice dinner or a day out to repay them. If you’re staying over at a friends’ house while you’re having some home improvement done, make sure to do the washing up, cleaning and laundry as much as possible. Be an impeccable house guest, and you’ll be invited over again!
Times of change can be tough, and that’s okay. This too shall pass, as all things do! You’re allowed to feel any way you like about your upheaval, so long as it doesn’t negatively affect you or the people around you for an extended period of time.
As you’re traversing a big change in your life, it can be good to remember that life goes on, and you will find a renewed sense of normalcy in due course. Of course, you can’t know when or how this will happen, but trust that time will do it’s job of allowing the dust to settle.
With changing circumstances come new possibilities, and how amazing is that! Rejoice in the potential future you can build for yourself, and celebrate the change instead of worrying. For instance, if you’re building a new home for your family, that can be a stressful time. Just think about the amazing life you’ll have in this new space, lounging in your lovely garden and enjoying life.
Whether you have a pizza night or organise a party for your closest friends to celebrate new change, it can be mentally beneficial to have a marking point of before and after. This is a great way to be able to move on from the past and completely embrace your exciting new future!
Have you been in a situation like this before? Have you done the same? Did you find these tips helpful? Do you have any more tips that we can add to this list?
*Disclosure: This is a collaborative post
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Love you all ❤️
Franca 💋
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Also remember even if the situation is permanent, the way you feel about it now is temporary
That is true! 🙂
Lots of very helpful tips
Glad they were helpful. Thanks 🙂