Welcome back to my linky #KCACOLS. I hope you all had a fantastic week! We are now back to normal after these 2 weeks that we had the linky open! We did FANTASTIC again with 140 link ups! Our BEST EVER! THANK YOU ALL so much for being part of the linky! I really appreciate your support. For new people joining us this week, I really hope you like #KCACOLS and that you come back again next time! You can also find out more about this linky in the #KCACOLS linky page! 🙂
I had a fantastic time at BML last weekend. I loved meeting so many of you on Friday and Saturday. It was so busy and there were so much going on but I’m so happy that we were able to take a group photo of some of my beautiful #KCACOLS linkers. You are all amazing! I missed a lot of you in the photo and I was planning to take another one later but it never happened. I’m hoping that we could meet again soon and that we could take another group photo. We are organising some meet ups during the year for the kcacols community and we have already set up the date for our first meet up in August. Come and join us to the KCACOLS CROWD facebook group to find out more about it. 🙂 You can see below the group photo that I shared from my Instagram.
We are now having another award to think about. Yes, it is the time for Mumsnet Blogging Awards (#MNBlogAwards) which will announce their winners in the night at the end of their well known blogging conference BlogFest on 12th November. The early tickets are now on sell so you can go and buy yours and check their award ceremony. I will be going for sure as I really enjoyed it last time. The categories for this year are very hard as we only have 4 to choose: Best Writer, Best Comic Writer, Best Campaigner and of course my favourite Best Vlogger! I know that I will have to think carefully this time as there are so many amazing bloggers out there and just 4 categories to choose. I would like to say that if you like my blog and especially my videos, I would love if you could nominate me for best vlogger category!! You would indeed make me a really happy vlogger and I would be extremely grateful! Will I have better luck than Britmums this time? Who knows, LOL.
Now back to the linky. The commenting was VERY GOOD considering we have the linky open for 2 weeks. I thought that it might be very bad but I’m so happy to have such a fantastic community that actually really care about sharing the love which is really nice to see. It makes me super happy! You guys are AMAZING.
We have about 20 people commenting on more than 20 posts. Also for another week we managed to reach 4 comments as a minimum per post! These numbers are ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT! Thank you so much.
We had 8 people that didn’t comment on the post linked up before their post. If you have any problems commenting on the post before yours please just send me a message and I will do my best to help. AGAIN, please do not link up and run. I had this problem again this week and you know that I don’t like it. I would appreciate a message or an email to let me know if there is any problem. I will completely understand it. Just be honest. I think that says a lot about you if you do that.
PLEASE READ: I would like that you please approve your comments. It is really hard for me to make sure that you get your 4 comments as a minimum per post if I can’t even see your list of comments. Every week I have to be asking people to do that and it is time consuming. The thing is that I include your post as part of the ones that will need more love and if you already have the minimum then you ending up receiving lots of comments from people that really cares to share the love and it is not fair. From now on I will not include the posts that have not approved their comments in the list of posts that will need more love. I think that will make people remember to approve their comments. I know we are all busy and sometimes we forget but what is the point of sharing your post and being part of a linky that is all about commenting if you won’t approve your comments. This is also hard when I count the comments to feature people on the linky post as they probably have commented on a post but I won’t be able to count it. 🙁
Thank you guys for continuing to read the Thank You email on Thursdays/Fridays. I love that you take the time to check which posts need more love. We have such an amazing community! 🙂
THANK YOU again to all of you that have already joined the #KCACOLS CROWD Facebook Group. We have 81 members so far and it has been fantastic chatting with all of you. You can join us here.
NOTE: If you receive a lot of comments, try to reciprocate to the ones that have taken the time to comment on your post. It is all about being generous between each other and spreading lots of love.
IMPORTANT NOTE FOR NEW LINKERS: PLEASE start with commenting on the post linked up before yours first and then go around commenting as much as you would like. Also, use the hashtag #KCACOLS when commenting (this is indeed very important so I can then see how many comments you are doing and then be able to feature you in my linky post which is always great for you as you get a backlink which helps improve your DA).
Thank you so much for all your comments on the host posts and the linky post. As you know I have read and liked all your comments! I can’t comment on all of your posts because of the lack of time. However you will always receive a comment from someone on behalf of the linky (either the co-hosts or me).
I would like to say THANK YOU so much to MARIA from Suburban Mum and RACHEL from Life of my Family and Me for helping me with the commenting this week! They have been FANTASTIC! This was indeed the longest that we have had the linky open and despite my fears it went all well and they were a great help! As always I really enjoyed co-hosting with them. They were both AMAZING! 🙂
My first guest co-host this week is again the lovely SANDY from Mommy’s Little Princesses. We had Sandy co-hosting already and she is fantastic. She is now one of my kcacols team for our facebook group and I love having her involved. I’m so happy to have her again this week.
My second guest co-host for this week is again the lovely CLARE from Sons, Sand and Sauvignon. I’m so happy that I have finally met Clare at BML. She was one of the persons that I really wanted to meet. We have been chatting since last year so it was a long overdue meet up! She is exactly as how I imagined. And of course she loves wine! LOL I’m so pleased to have Clare again this week. Please give her some love. These are her social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, & Pinterest). She will also be retweeting your tweets this week so please add her twitter handle (@sonssandandsauv) to your tweets as well as mine. Finally she has a guest co-host post, Blogging writers block: What you need to know linked up too. Please if you could go there and add a comment it would be AWESOME!!
The person who commented the most for the last 2 weeks was EMMA from Me and B Make Tea. This is not the first time that I’m featuring Emma. She is always amazing with the commenting. I love that she really cares about sharing the love. She has been super generous this week, commenting on 82 posts which is FANTASTIC! Thank you so much HELEDD! Her post from last week was Bristol Festival of Nature and the Harbour. Please go to her post and give her more love if you can!
The second person who commented a lot this week was CECILE from The Frenchie Mummy Blog. This is the first time that I’m featuring Cecile. She has been linking with us just recently for a couple of weeks only and I’m so please to have her as one of my top commentators! She has been great with her commenting. It is always so lovely to have new people joining us for a few weeks and then they are the ones that do the best commenting. She has been super generous this week, commenting on 74 posts which is BRILLIANT! Thank you so much CECILE! One of her posts from last week was, Am I only a stay at home mum?. Please go to her post and give her more love if you can!
The third person who has commented a lot this week was MADELINE from This Glorious Life. This is the second time that I’m featuring Madeline. She has also been mentioned several times before. She has been linking with us for a few months now and she has been always amazing with her commenting. She has been sharing the love a lot these two weeks, commenting on 56 posts which is AMAZING! Thank you so much MADELINE! Her post from last week was Moving my blog from Weebly to WordPress. Please go to her post and give her more love if you can!
Behind Emma, Cecile and Madeline was JEN from Practical By Default with 52 comments, REBECCA from Taylor Made Ramblings with 36 comments and JENNI from Odd Socks and Lollipops with 30 comments. Thank you so much lovely ladies!!! 🙂
For this week’s linky I am linking a video of a lovely event we went for Father’s Day, The Secret Life of Pets – Multimedia Screening and a video and thoughts of BML16, BML 2016 – My Thoughts , so I hope you like them! 😉
Please do not forget to follow and check out the #KCACOLS Pinterest Board. We have pinned all your posts from last week’s linky so please go and have a look. There are some great posts that deserve a read!
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Now let’s carry on with the linky:
Each week I will choose 6 people who have commented A LOT within the linky. Three will be featured and another three will be mentioned on my Saturday linky post. This means that 6 people will get a back link on my new linky post each Saturday!
1. Be sure to grab the #KCACOLS badge which can be found below or on my sidebar. Simply copy the code from the box below the badge and add it to the text/html at the bottom of your post or place it on your blog sidebar.
2. You can link up to 2 posts per week.
3. You can share anything that you would like. It is open to absolutely any subject and also you can link up posts that are old or new. You are allowed to link up another linky ONLY if it is a promotional post about the linky and you can do this only once and I expect you to put my badge or a link to my linky and of course to follow the rules regarding commenting.
4. Comment on one of the hosts posts (choose one that you would like to comment on as I will be linking up 2 posts every week if possible). Then comment the guest co-hosts. Then comment on the post which is linked up immediately before yours and finally any other post that you would like to comment on. That way everybody receives at least two comments (one from the host/guest co-hosts and one from others).
5. This linky will be open every Saturday from 10 pm and will remain open until Wednesday at 11.59 pm.
6. If you would like us to tweet your post that is absolutely fine, just tweet your link to me @WithFranca, Sandy @Sandy_heard and Clare @sonssandandsauv and we will retweet it. Please remember to use the hashtag #KCACOLS.
7. Finally, if you could please follow A Moment With Franca (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest , Bloglovin, Google+ and You Tube) that would be fantastic!! 😉
I look forward to reading and commenting your posts!! 🙂
<div align="center"><a href="https://www.amomentwithfranca.com" title="Keep Calm and Carry On Linking Sunday"><img src="https://www.amomentwithfranca.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/kcacols200x200.jpg" width="200" height="200" alt="Keep Calm and Carry On Linking Sunday" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
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Thanks for stopping by,
Love you all ❤
Franca 💋
Thanks for the mention and thanks of hosting. And note to self – don’t get all excited for #KCACOLS next week and add both my posts in a row! Haha
Great photo and so lovely to see you last weekend.
Aw thanks for the mention! Love this linky!
Just found out about this linky from Jen from Practical by Default. Pleased to ‘meet’ you!
Thanks so much for hosting the link up – lovely to see so many linkers last weekend 🙂
I missed being here last week 🙁 but I’m back again now so it’s all good thanks lovely xx
I am going to link up tomorrow and comment on as many posts as I can to make up for a few weeks ago when my nan passed away. I will try to make sure I do any new posts from the people who commenting on mine two weeks back too. Thanks for hosting! 🙂
It was fab to spend a bit of time with you last weekend Franca. Sorry I missed the photo opp! It’s also great to see #KCACOLS going from strength to strength. What a lovely, supportive community! X
BML16 looked awesome, gutted I couldn’t make it but there’s always next year! X