Welcome back to my linky #KCACOLS. I hope you all had a fantastic week! We did AMAZING last week with 122 link ups! Our BEST EVER! HURRAH for that!! THANK YOU ALL so much for being part of the linky! I really appreciate your support. For new people joining us this week, I really hope you like #KCACOLS and that you come back again next time! You can also find out more about this linky in the #KCACOLS linky page! 🙂
We had a lovely bank holiday last weekend. We attended a family wedding in the Midlands and then we stayed at the in laws until Monday. It is always nice to see our girls having so much fun with their grandparents. My girls only have one first cousin in this country so it is also lovely to see them playing together. On Tuesday, Nick & I celebrated our 8th Wedding Anniversary. He bought me some flowers and cooked a lovely dinner for us so it was just perfect. I got some pictures on my Instagram of the wedding that I’m sharing with you below. From Wednesday things didn’t go as well as I got ill and ended up with a fever of more than 38 C! It was awful, I couldn’t move until Friday afternoon. For the first time I had to cancel 3 events that I had planned for the week. It was really sad but I guess my health comes first. I was actually thinking that it was a way of my body telling me I need to rest so I did that and now I’m feeling much better! 🙂
With the hubby at the lovely wedding we went yesterday! ❤️ The day was so beautiful. We had a sunny day and it actually felt warm most of the day! ☀️🍾 A photo posted by A Moment with Franca (@amomentwithfranca) on
I have created a new Facebook group for all the #KCACOLS linkers. The name of the group is #KCACOLS CROWD and I would love if you could join us HERE. Maria from Suburban Mum and I are the admins of this group. The group is about getting all the KCACOLS linkers together so we can chat and keep sharing the love amongst our little community. This is not a promoting group so dropping a link is not allowed. We would also like to organise meet ups at some point so we can all meet each other, to build our friendship even further than just via a computer. It would be lovely to see you there! 🙂
Now back to the linky. The commenting was MUCH BETTER at the end of the week. You guys are AMAZING. I really appreciate you coming back to the linky yesterday after I sent the Thank You email so late this week. Thank you so much for your support especially this week that I have been poorly! You guys really ROCK! We got back to get up to 25 comments from this linky to some posts which is fantastic. I was wondering when would be able to get back to this level of commenting and was almost starting to give up when WOW this week you guys just surprised me again! Not considering the host and co-host’s posts, we have about 22 people making more than 10 comments. Then we have about 9 people commenting on more than 20 posts. These numbers are FANTASTIC! Thank you so much.
I have decided that I will not put all the stats of the commenting anymore as it is a lot of effort and also because I think we all know by now that we get a lot of comments from this linky so I don’t need to show the full statistics anymore. It is pretty clear that we like to share the #bloggerlove here and that we are all very generous, so let’s keep doing this guys.
We had 10 people that didn’t comment on the post linked up before their post. I’m happy that this number has gone down. I was very worried last week as it was too high. I still want to reduce this number much more so please guys do your best to follow the rules. If you have any problems commenting on the post before yours please just send me a message and I will do my best to help. Also, please do not link up and run as that is really bad etiquette, 🙁
Thank you guys for continuing to read the Thank You email on Thursdays (actually for the last couple of weeks it has been sent on Friday but I promise to get on track with this from next week). It is always nice to see that you come back and actually get the time to check which posts need some love. Thank you very much!!!
NOTE: If you receive a lot of comments, try to reciprocate to the ones that have taken the time to comment on your post. It is all about being generous between each other and spreading lots of love.
IMPORTANT NOTE FOR NEW LINKERS: PLEASE start with commenting on the post linked up before yours first and then go around commenting as much as you would like. Also, use the hashtag #KCACOLS when commenting (this is indeed very important so I can then see how many comments you are doing and then be able to feature you in my linky post which is always great for you as you get a backlink which helps improve your DA).
Thank you so much for all your comments on the host posts and the linky post. As you know I have read and liked all your comments! I can’t go and comment on all of your posts because of the lack of time. However you will always receive a comment from someone on behalf of the linky (either the co-hosts or me).
I would like to say THANK YOU so much to SARAH from Mumzilla and REBECCA from All About U for helping me with the commenting this week! They have been AMAZING! Sarah is just the fastest reader that I have ever met. OMG I think she can read about 30 posts in 30 minutes – so impressive! As you can see she has pretty much commented on most of the linky, LOL! Rebecca has also been brilliant! She has been very eager and willing to help and support me all the time during the week! As I told you earlier, I was ill this week so they both really backed me up and I really appreciate that! I couldn’t have managed the linky this week without them! As always I’m so grateful for all the help I can get from my co-hosts. They were both WONDERFUL! I have really enjoyed co-hosting with them! 🙂
My first guest co-host this week is EMMA from Island Living 365 I’m very excited to co-host with Emma. She has been a massive supporter of this linky. She is always commenting a lot hence why I have featured and mentioned her so many times. She is really lovely. Her blog is amazing, she always has super interesting posts that draw a lot of attention. She is now one of the Finalists at the BIBs which she really deserves. Please give some love to her social media accounts (Twitter, Instagram, & Pinterest). She will also be retweeting your tweets so please add her twitter handle (@islandliving365) to your tweets as well as mine. Finally she has a guest co-host post, Goodbye May. Hello June, 2016 linked up too. Please if you could go there and add a comment it would be AWESOME!!
My second guest co-host this week is AZARIA from Being Mrs Lynch. This is also the first time that I’m co-hosting with Azaria and I’m so happy about it. She has been linking up since last year. She sometimes has a short break but she always comes back which I really appreciate. It is lovely to have her as a co-host, I’m really looking forward to it.
The person who commented the most last week was MADELINE from This Glorious Life. This is the second time that I’m featuring Madeline and she has also been mentioned before. But this time she has been amazing as she smashed them all on Friday. She was not even in the list in my email from yesterday! I’m so grateful that she has spread so much love. She is always taking the time to go around and comment on as many blogs as she can. She has been very generous this week, commenting on 44 posts which is FANTASTIC! Thank you so much MADELINE! One of her posts from last week was, Are the baby days behind us?. Please go to her post and give her more love if you can!
The second person who commented a lot this week was BREAD from Winging It. This is the first time that I’m featuring Bread although she has been mentioned before. She has been linking with us for some time now and is a regular of this linky. She has been great this week spreading so much love! She is due to have a lovely baby boy in about 10 weeks time so there are exciting times ahead for her. She commented on 39 posts which is BRILLIANT! Thank you so much BREAD! Her post from last week was Third Scan’s The Charm. Please go to her post and give her more love if you can!
The third person who has commented a lot this week was again SARAH from Arthurwears. I’m so happy to feature Sarah for the second time. She has also been amazing this week. I’m so excited as she has been really good at spreading lots of love this week! She commented on 38 posts!!! That is FANTASTIC! Thank you so much SARAH, you are A STAR! Her post from last week was Children Changing Careers p4: Bonnie Doman from BON LDN. If you haven’t read it already, go and check it out now!
Behind Madeline, Bread, and Sarah was KATY from Hot Pink Wellingtons with 33 comments, SARAH from Team Mom Life with 32 comments and JEN from Practical by Default with 31 comments. Thank you so much lovely ladies!!! 🙂
For this week’s linky I am linking up an amazing event we attended, “4 Privet Drive Launch Event at Harry Potter Warner Bros. Studios Tour London“ and some handy travel tips “Tips for a Great Outdoor Family Weekend in Norwich“, so I hope you like them! 😉
Please do not forget to follow and check out the #KCACOLS Pinterest Board. We have pinned all your posts from last week’s linky so please go and have a look. There are some great posts that deserve a read!
Now let’s carry on with the linky:
Each week I will choose 6 people who have commented A LOT within the linky. Three will be featured and another three will be mentioned on my Saturday linky post. This means that 6 people will get a back link on my new linky post each Saturday!
1. Be sure to grab the #KCACOLS badge which can be found below or on my sidebar. Simply copy the code from the box below the badge and add it to the text/html at the bottom of your post or place it on your blog sidebar.
2. You can link up to 2 posts per week.
3. You can share anything that you would like. It is open to absolutely any subject and also you can link up posts that are old or new. You are allowed to link up another linky ONLY if it is a promotional post about the linky and you can do this only once and I expect you to put my badge or a link to my linky and of course to follow the rules regarding commenting.
4. Comment on one of the hosts posts (choose one that you would like to comment on as I will be linking up 2 posts every week if possible). Then comment the guest co-hosts. Then comment on the post which is linked up immediately before yours and finally any other post that you would like to comment on. That way everybody receives at least two comments (one from the host/guest co-hosts and one from others).
5. This linky will be open every Saturday from 10 pm and will remain open until Wednesday at 11.59 pm.
6. If you would like us to tweet your post that is absolutely fine, just tweet your link to me @WithFranca, Azaria @beingMrsLynch and Emma @islandliving365 and we will retweet it. Please remember to use the hashtag #KCACOLS.
7. Finally, if you could please follow A Moment With Franca (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest , Bloglovin, Google+ and You Tube) that would be fantastic!! 😉
I look forward to reading and commenting your posts!! 🙂
<div align="center"><a href="https://www.amomentwithfranca.com" title="Keep Calm and Carry On Linking Sunday"><img src="https://www.amomentwithfranca.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/kcacols200x200.jpg" width="200" height="200" alt="Keep Calm and Carry On Linking Sunday" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
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Thanks for stopping by,
Love you all ❤
Franca 💋
Wow I didn’t realise I’d commented on so many, I was so behind!
Lol Bread, yes you did comment a lot at the end, thank you so much! 🙂 x
Thank you for hosting! Love your photos x
My pleasure Lynne! Aww thank you! I love them too, especially the one of the girls. I don’t normally dress them with the same outfit so it was very cute to see them like that, x
ooooh I’d have to on the odd occasion too! Not every day though (my mum dressed my sister and I the same a bit too often, and there’s 4 years between us)
Yay congrats on making it to over 120 link ups well done! I’m glad you’re feeling better now thanks for hosting xx
Thank you Tracey! I’m so pleased. Yes thank you. I feel much better! X
Wedding looks fab, I love a good wedding. I think the Facebook group is a great idea, will be heading over there shortly. Hope you feel better now x
Thank you! We had a great time! Weddings are always fan! Great, please do. Thank you. I’m much better now, x
Loving your photos as always, Franca.
Happy Sunday!
thanks so much for hosting the linky. I enjoyed cohosting last week xx
Congrats on your anniversary!
Thanks for letting me co-host with you this week. I’m really enjoying the reading 🙂 x
Happy Anniversary, sounds like a lovely evening! Glad to hear you’re feeling much better, my little one was unwell over the weekend, I’m pretty sure somethings going round or it’s this rubbish weather x
Glad you are feeling better and Happy Anniversary. Lovely photo of you both at the wedding. Great that this linky is going from strength to strength 🙂