A few weeks ago I was contacted by Poundworld to see if I was up for their Halloween Makeup Challenge. The requirements of which was to visit one of their stores to purchase a selection of items from their Halloween makeup and accessories section. I then needed to film myself being made up or applying this to someone else, as a kind of makeup tutorial video. It sounded like a fun challenge and something I was definitely up for as I’m certain, if anything it would be funny. For this challenge, I asked Nick to help me and we decided (for some reason, LOL!) that he would be applying the makeup to turn me into a witch!
Watch the video below to see how it turned out:
If you want to create a very simple look like mine, I have outlined the steps below:
Use the green face paint from the ‘Creepy Face Paints’ set, applying an even layer to all visible areas of your face and neck. It doesn’t look like much in the tube but you actually only need a small amount to cover your face, neck and ears.
Witches have dark eyes (apparently!) so to create dark eyes, use the black makeup from the ‘Ghoulish Make Up Set’, and with the applicator provided carefully apply it around the eyes. Witches have evil looking dark eyebrows too so your going to need to use the black crayon from the same Ghoulish Make Up Set to draw over your existing eyebrows to give them more emphasis and shape to make them a bit more evil looking. You could try creating a unibrow too, now that is evil!
As i’m sure you all know, witches have horrible ugly looking noses, so I was going to need some help with this one. Fortunately, Poundworld have this lovely ‘Halloween Witch Make Up Kit’ that includes a horrible looking witches nose. After putting on the witches nose, apply a bit of the green face paint so it matches the rest of your skin.
For our witches lips, use the red crayon from the ‘Ghoulish Make Up Set’ as a kind of large lip pencil. This will make your lips stand out more to complement the green skin.
I actually cheated (very slightly) here as I already had this green wig at home, so it wasn’t worth buying again from Poundworld. This was the only item that I didn’t get from Poundworld. They do of course have a selection of wigs you can choose from. It doesn’t need to be green of course, anything witch-like will do. I did buy my witch hat from Poundworld though. When you put on the wig, ensure it covers your hair (I actually tied my hair back making it much easier to put on), and any small areas of skin that you couldn’t quite cover with the green face paint.
We picked up these ‘Frightful Teeth’ in Poundworld which were great for adding a final touch to complete the look.
And that was it! You can see my final look below. I spent a grand total of £6 which is quite remarkable. I don’t think its the best halloween witch I have seen but that maybe has more to do with Nick’s make up skills, LOL! Anyway, we definitely had fun making the video – it was a fun challenge! Happy Halloween!
What do you think of my witch look? Have you bought halloween make up items or fancy dress from Poundworld before? If so, what did you think? Please leave a comment below as I would love to read what you think.
*Disclosure: collaborative post
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Love you all ❤️
Franca 💋
I’m always amazed by all of the things Poundworld have in for different festive seasons I find it hard not to go a little overboard and buy it all! Your make up looks great, really affective! x #KCACOLS
Wow! You look amazing – that’s a great job from Nick with make up, and I’m loving the green hair! Well done! #KCACOLS
These look great! I would never have thought of using things from pound world #KCACOLS
Absolutely brilliant witches outfit. I love Poundland for dress-up essentials #KCACOLS
oh man, you really went all out! This looks great haha! x #kcacols
Oh wow!That’s actually really good for the cost isn’t it!I wouldn’t trust my other half with it lol x #kcacols
You look awesome . As I’m not at work ( in a nursery ) I haven’t done dressing up this year . I do love a Poundland spending spree though ! #KCACOLS
Very spooky! You even manage to look fab as a witch. I think my daughter would be scared for life if she saw me dressed up x #KCACOLS
Love it!! I wish we had Poundland here! We have similar shops, but they’re not very good. #KCACOLS
Haha you look amazing – I bet you had a great laugh putting that on! I love Halloween and my kids always find the make-up to be the best part!! #KCACOLS
I always use the poundshops for things like Halloween, they are such good value! The witch look really suits you 😉 #kcacols
Haha I love the end result! Poundworld is fab isn’t it? I think something like Halloween can end up costing a fortune and it’s just one day! Great that you can do it on a budget! #KCACOLS
So much fun! A very good witch for £6! We had a Halloween party on Saturday for the toddlers which was cute but I didn’t dress up xx #KCACOLS
That is a fairly impressive selection of stuff! I love the makeup – Nick did a very good job! #KCACOLS
I loved your video it looked like it was fun to do lol You definitely nailed the wicked witch look #kcacols
Great for only £6! Have you still got a green tinge? I bet that took a lot of wipes to remove!! #KCACOLS
What a fun challenge and an awesome end result! #KCACOLS
Haha, that’s quite a transformation for £6. Love the teeth! #kcacols
You look great! Looks like a fun challenge and well done Nick! x #KCACOLS
I was Frankenstein’s monster this year and decided last minute to sip the green face. You look great though! #KCACOLS
Wow you look super scary – that green colour is amazing! Pretty good for pundland! #kcacols
It looks brilliant! I love the teeth, very creepy x #KCACOLS
That’s amazing – especially for £6! & all looks like so much fun – I love Halloween dress up! #KCACOLS
I can’t believe you did it for £6. Pound shops are killing it at the moment!!