As promised I’m running a super Giveaway to celebrate the end of 2015 and the New Year 2016! I can’t believe that the year will finish in less than a week!! I feel that the year has passed so quickly!! 2015 has been kind to us so I’m looking forward to have the same or even better in 2016!! Fingers crossed!! 😉
The prize for this giveaway will be £50 ($74) Amazon Voucher or PayPal cash!!! What do you think? Isn’t it a fantastic Giveaway? I hope you like it and that you are looking forward to perhaps spending some money in the New Year!! 🙂
*Terms & Conditions
In order to take part in this FANTASTIC GIVEAWAY, the only thing you need to do is follow the instructions provided in the Gleam competition widget below. This giveaway is open WORLDWIDE, to individuals aged 18 years or older. One winner, selected at random will win a £50 ($74) Amazon Voucher or PayPal cash (at the time of writing this was approximately $74USD but the exact amount will depend upon exchange rates at the time of payment). The winner will have 48 hours to respond once notification is sent. The giveaway closes on Monday 18th January 2015 at 11:59 pm. GOOD LUCK!
Thanks for stopping by,
Love you all ❤️
Franca 💋
Clear my debts
I hope you can manage that!! Thanks and good luck! 🙂 x
My goal this year is to lose weight and get fit
Good luck! 🙂 x
To lose the last little bit of my baby weight
Good luck!! 🙂 x
My goal is to stop worrying so much and take the time to enjoy things that make me happy more =D
This is a fantastic goal! I should do the same! Thanks for entering this giveaway. Good luck! 🙂 x
My goal is to lose my baby weight and to get fit and stay fit
Same here!! Thanks for entering this giveaway! Good luck! 🙂 x
To lose enough weight to qualify for IVF
2016 goals are, get back into fitness, sell and buy a new house,
To be healthier
To have more fun
To lose weight find a job and read more books
I have 3 goals this year:
1. to lose weight – I am overweight and have been since I was a kid. At my largest I was a size 28!I’m now down to a 18/20 top and 16/18 bottom. Last year I lost 25kgs. To reach a healthy weight I need to lose another 25kgs.
2. To get healthier and fitter – I am a couch potato so I really do need to move more. I am also diabetic and my glucose levels can be variable I would like to get them lower and more level – losing weight (goal 1) will help with this. Eating healthier is also part of this – more veggies less bread!
3. To save money- I have had a savings account for the last 4 years but its never had more than a couple of £ in it. I am skint 2-3 weeks after payday and when something goes wrong with the car or the cats or household items it’s a real scramble to get the money together to get it taken care of. To this extent I am putting myself on a 52 week challenge. Each week I am allowing myself a set amount of money and thats it – no more popping to the shops and buying stuff I really dont need! I hope by the end of the year to have a couple of hundred in savings – not brilliant but better than where I am now
run a marathon 🙂
I want to lose weight, get fit/healthy, and get out more.
to lose somre weight 🙂
For me and partner to connect more, we have been together for 10 years and have 2 children but we very much take each other for granted. Our joint resolution for this year is to go on a date at least once a month, to remind ourselves why we fell in love in the first place.
To be nice to me.
My goals are to have more fun – not worry about small stuff and to say YES more often!
to make the most of everything I have
My goal for 2016 is to lose weight so I can look and feel happy within myself when I go on holiday
To lose weight xx
My goals for 2016 are to lose 2 stone, which I am already 6lb closer to. To be in a batter financial position at the end of 2016 and to be better organised with families birthdays.
to look good at my sons wedding
To continue to eat healthily and lose weight
learning to drive
My goal for 2016 is to make more time for myself, which has been very far a few between