The photo for #WickedWednesday today is about my little one Sienna having a meltdown literally with no reason whatsoever, something that happens very often in our house!
Thanks for stopping by,
Love you all ❤️
Franca 💋
Linking up with:
A Family, Lifestyle & Travel Blog
Something Crunchy Mummy says
Oh no – she’s not happy #wickedwednesdays xx
amomentwithfranca says
Not at all!! 🙁 x
MiMiRoseAndme says
Oh no she does not look happy at all. My Amelia has these tantrums quiet often and I am left thinking what happened!!! Great pic xxx
amomentwithfranca says
Thanks! she does this tantrums very often lately!! Must be a phase! x
helen gandy says
But doesn’t she look pretty having it, hehe. Popping over from #wickedwednesday
amomentwithfranca says
Aww thank you!! She actually does!! LOL xx
Julie says
Oh dear, she doesn’t look very happy. But it is a very pretty dress! #WickedWednesday
amomentwithfranca says
Oh thank you Julie! I love that dress too! It was a present from my sister and she brought it from Vienna!! 😉 x
Philippa - Sounding Like My Mother says
That is a great meltdown face! #WickedWednesdays
amomentwithfranca says
You are completely right!! ;-( x
All about a MumMy says
Oh dear! That face looks familiar!!! Xx #wickedwednesdays
amomentwithfranca says
I’m sure we all have seen this type of faces very often!! x
Lara says
Oh dear! I’m sure she knows what’s wrong, at least! My son still does this and he is 3 and a half. #wickedwednesdays
amomentwithfranca says
I really hope she does!! I hope soon she can talk and let me know what the problem is! x
Kim Carberry says
hahaha! What a face!! Bless her! #wickedwednesdays
amomentwithfranca says
Crazy right? x
Sharon Powell says
It’s always over nothing isn’t it? x #wickedwednesdays
amomentwithfranca says
Exactly!!! x
brummymummyof2 says
Oh but she just looks SO RUDDY CUTE BAB! Thanks so much for linking up and I look forward to see what you have got for us this week over at #wickedwednesdays! x
amomentwithfranca says
LOL thanks for hosting!! And yes I’m totally ready for this weeks photo!! 😉 x