I’ve mentioned previously about how i’ve become quite a coffee lover in the last few years. As part of my blog I actually got to go to a Nespresso hosted event where I got to learn a lot about coffee. Thanks to the guys over at myvouchercodes.co.uk, I found out a couple of days ago that this week (April 11th – 17th) is actually UK coffee week, something which I was not previously aware existed.
UK Coffee Week is a fundraising initiative supporting Project Waterfall. UK Coffee Week begun in 2011 and since has raised over £325,000 to bring clean and safe drinking water to the poorest coffee growing communities over the world. Money is raised through fundraising schemes created by partner coffee shops. To find out more and to sponsor UK Coffee Week should you wish, follow this link.
To celebrate UK Coffee Week, MyVoucherCodes have shared with me their 24 Coffee Hacks infographic that you can see below. These are coffee hacks that you are unlikely to have come across before – I certainly wasn’t aware of these uses!
Throughout the week MyVoucherCodes will be regularly giving their users Starbucks vouchers via Facebook, so head over there if your partial to a Starbucks coffee like me!
MyVoucherCodes have also shared with me information about a study they have conducted into whether fair trade is the best system to pay coffee farmers in the developing world. The article compares and contrasts Fairtrade with direct trade. It includes comment from professor of economics at the University of San Francisco, Bruce Wydick and Will Corby, Head of Coffee for UK Direct Trade specialist coffee supplier, Pact.
Love you all ❤️
Franca 💋
I am a big fan of coffee. Without coffee i cant imagine my busy day.It just energize me to work hard.